Chapter 1

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Brianna's Pov.


I stare at the door in excitement, Chresanto will be coming home from school any time now. He promised he would take me to get some ice cream. I sat  waiting  and waiting  as time flew by and day grew to night I knew he wasn't coming home. I huff  getting ready for bed. 

I huff staring at the door  in annoyance my so called brother will be coming home any time from now. He was touring with a group apparently. I heard some of their songs and let me tell you it was trash.

" Bri don't look too excited for your brother to be coming home" my mom said as she was finishing up cleaning the family room.

Rolling my eyes I replied " Oh I'm so excited I just can't hide it " I mumble.

" You know, whatever grudge you're holding just give it up now, yes he may have hurt you by disappearing one  day  and not returning home but that doesn't mean you can be a little word about it. "

For mom " a little word " means bitch.

The doorbell rang continually and my mom wiped her hands on her jeans and made her way to the door.

"Chres! Boys! So glad that you're finally here. Come on in, Bri is in the family room. Make yourselves  at home "

I heard chatter film the house as  four young males entered the home.

Chres enters the room I'm in and smirks " How's my favorite sister"

" I'm your only sister "

" Ok Miss. Sassy how have you been"

I roll my eyes ignoring him maybe if I ignore him  and close my eyes he'll go away. I close my eyes  for awhile and  when I open them he's still here,dang.

Soon everyone else enters  " You must be Chresanto's sister! He's told us a lot about you " some guy said smiling I rolled my eyes " I don't know what he must have said seeing as I don't know him"

" Bri!" My mom snapped " last warning "

Soon everyone started talking about the tour. I sat there it seemed like forever ignoring everyone. I got up to go use the bathroom after awhile of squirming in my seat and getting weird looks from a guy with braid and sunglasses on. " Who the hell wears sunglasses in doors"  I whisper to myself. Getting up I make my way to the bathroom.

After I was done I exited the restroom  accidentally crashing into a hard body.

" Watch  where you are going " I snap walking away only to have someone grab my arm  spinning  me around. " I don't know who you are or what your problem is but being a bitch to everyone isn't going to make anyone like you " a guy with big curly hair said starting down at me.

" Well good thing I didn't ask for your fucking opinion dumb ass" I snatched my arm back and sped walked away to my room.

My wrist felt tingly as if the mysterious boys hand was around me once again.


Short I know I know  but is this trash be truthful because I need to know! THAKS bye.

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