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Shot 2

It was now 9:00 pm and Naina was in her bed under the blanket praying to god and scolding her innocent roommate who was in her hometown.

"Why did she left me here?? What if the ghost come to my house following me? Let Jyoti come.. She will get a good scolding. But please god for that let me stay alive." She murmured.

Suddenly a call came on her phone and she jumped in her place but then realised that its just a call. She picked it up.

"Hello Naina?"

"Hi Kriti!" She replied back.

"Are you coming to the mess? And why are you sounding scared?" Kriti asked.

"Yeah I'm coming in two minutes.. And nothing , I'm not scared." She replied.

"Oh.. Okay then bye.. See you." Kriti said and cut the call.

Naina got up and went to the mess for eating her dinner. After eating , she and Kriti started walking back to her room.

"So all prepared for tomorrow's test?" Kriti asked.

"Test.. What tes...Oh my god!! Physics test.. How can I forget about it!" Naina panicked as this test was really important for them.

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