Chapter 1

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Friday February 26th 2015 @ 6 am.

Shaniqua's P.O.V

Alarm beeps.

Mumbles,Argg!! Shaniqua, get up! I heard that alarm went off! Why am I not seeing you yet? my mom screamed from downstairs.

Give me a break Martha! I yelled back. She hated when I called her by her first name, so I know I'm in for it when I reach downstairs.

I got out of my bed slowly and dragged my feet to the bathroom. I went in and did my hygiene stuff. I walked out the bathroom wearing a black Dork crop top, high waist washed out jeans, my black and white jordans and my Obey snapback.

I went to my mirror and put on some make-up and finished my look with gold hoops and my geek glasses.

I went downstairs to find "Martha" standing at the bottom of the staircase with her arms folded with her usual stank face.

What did I tell you about calling me Martha? I'm your mother! So you better show me some fucking respect. Remember who fucking clothed you, fed you and put a damm roof on your head! she yelled.

I got so used to her speeches and her skank attitude. Since she found out I'm bi, she treats me like I'm a slut ir something when she is the one going out everyday fucking a different nigga every time. 

So while she was still yapping her mouth, I grabbed my car keys and left her there.

I went to my red Ford and left for school. While I was driving I got a call from Ariel.

Ariel: Hey baby

Me: Hey sweetie

Ariel: How are you? What are you doing?

Me: I'm pissed! Going school now, want me to come pick you up?

Ariel: Sure baby.

Me: Ok babe.  See ya in a while. Love you.

Ariel: Love you too bae.

We hung up,  and I drove to her house. I arrived 10 minutes later.

I honked 3 times, I didn't feel like going in like usual. A few minutes later,  she walked out wearing a black Boss beanie, a white Dork t-shirt and some jeans shorts with her white Vans.

Damm, she looked fine.  That's one of the many reasons why I love her!

Ariel's P.O.V

I walked out my house dressed all pretty, I'm trying to make Shan feel special today, lately she's been always pissed, but today I'm going to

change all that.

I walked in the car and gave her a peck on the lips, then we left my driveway. The ride to school was silent. We arrived to school, she parked the car, and we went to the school door. Once we walked in, we separated to go to our lockers. Soon later, the bell rang. I went to my first period: mathematics! -_-. I hated it even though I was good at it. The teacher just made it boring. I went and sit in the back, soon after students started coming in.

But today there was a new kid in class, he came and sat in the seat next to me. So I decided to ask him his name.

Me: Hey, new kid! What's your name? ??: My name is Chresanto but you can call me Chres.

Me: Nice name, well mine is Ariel.  Nice meeting you.

Chres: thanks.

Just then Mister Delroy walked in.

Mr.D: Good morning class.

Class: Good morning.

Mr.D:Let's open up our books to page, bla bla bla.

OMG, this guy is so boring, hmm let me see what's Chres is doing?

I whisper: Psst, Chres, Psst.

Chres: What's wrong?

Me:I'm bored.

Chres: Me too, can't he make this lesson interesting?

Me: It's maths dude! It will never be interesting!

We laughed. Mr.D turns around and hear us.

Mr.D: What's so funny?  I would love to laugh too.

Me: Well my friend here Chres said that how can you make the lesson interesting and I told him it's maths it will never be interesting.

The whole class started to laugh except Mr.D. He actually got really mad at us, and gave us detention.

Chres:First day in school and I already have got detention! Great. He says with sarcasm.

Me: Well consider it as my welcome to our school.

We laughed.

Chres: Thanks.

We went off to our classes for another 2 hours before the bell rang for lunch. I went to the cafeteria to find Shan alone on our table. I told Chres he could come and have lunch with us. He accepted gladly.

Shaniqua's P.O.V

I saw Ariel coming towards our table with some guy. He's kinda cute. Wait what am I saying, I have a girlfriend. I shouldn't be thinking this stuff.

Ariel: What stuff?

Me: Shit. Was I speaking out loud again?

Ariel: Yup. You better stop that we have a guest. She says pointing to the mystery cutie.

Me: Hey, what's your name?

??: My name is Chresanto, but you can call me Chres .

Me: Okay Chres.

We chatted while we ate our lunch. When the bell rang, we went back to class.

Chresanto's P.O.V

Today was really cool, I met some really cool girls. But something is weird about them I don't know what it is  but I'm going to find out.

Ariel's P.O.V

Me and Shan went by my house to chill after school. Once we walked in, Shan was all over me. Next thing I know, I'm on my bed NAKED.


Well how you like my first chapter.
Follow me on Instagram @Shanou_gyal

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