Chapter 4

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Aphmau's POV

I've been in this tied up chair for a while and I don't know what to do. I heard some screaming earlier but I paid no attention to it. I am literally bored out of my mind, sitting this slightly dark room with nothing to do. So, I decided to do something. 
"HEY, IS ANYONE THERE?!" I yelled abruptly.
"Yes. My name is Travis and I was placed here to watch you with the cameras, but sadly something has gone wrong. I'm on my way right now to your cell to protect you." A dude said out of nowhere.
Okay, this is weird. He said something was wrong... maybe it had to deal with the screaming I heard earlier. I wonder what happened, but another question popped into my mind. Why would he want to protect me? Quickly, a dude with white hair, green eyes, and a dark green T-Shirt with a black light coat and some dark jeans walked in.
"Are you Travis?" I asked in a hushed tone.
"Yes, now be quiet. I really hope he doesn't know.." He said with slight worry in his voice while mumbling and pacing across the room on the side where the door was. He took out a gun and cocked it.
"Ummm.. what are you going to use that for?!" I asked Travis while my nerves trembled.
"It is for the man who captured you. He has some evil side to him. I came in here to protect you since anyone can already tell that the real Aaron likes you. Plus, this isn't a real gun. It just has tranquilizer bullets. So, if he does come in here, it will knock him out before he can get to you."
I was completely shocked about the first part. Would he really like me? I mean he's sort of cu- NO! I am NOT going to fall for someone who kidnapped me. And plus, the second part with the gun... smart. Suddenly, we heard loud footsteps coming down the hall. Travis got in a position with his gun in which he was ready to shoot anyone who walked through that door. Then, there was banging on the door. It kept on getting louder and louder until.....

Omg hehe I'm sort of getting into my own book...
~love your insane but talented writer (VoV)_/

Holy... It's been a while! And you claim to have a lot of ideas you can't wait to dive into...
Anywho, I'm gonna go back to watching BFB.
ꔹ Your slightly insane editor (•ᴗ•)

Sorry I'm to lazy XD
~The fully insane writer...(0>0)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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