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Today was the worst.Only having 2 friends means your a sore losser because when i went on clickster I saw people talking about me.They said "i hope you get  fat dirty whore or "Hey you should go to Hell Bitch".Its painful cause some were my old school friends or like homies.The really worst part about it all is the halloween dance is coming up and i want Jaboc to ask me hes like the only guy who didnt cyberbully me and my friends Samatha and Christie.

Samatha and Christie thinks hes was great untill it started at school...

Jaboc walked to our table of boredness and said "Can I talk to you for a second Amber".So Christie and Samantha left the table.Then i said "Yes Jaboc". and then he said "Well you see about the dance my mom wanted me to go with Jennifer sorry Amber"."No its fine Jaboc" with tears coming down i lilttle but then he walks away from the table.When he walked away Samantha and Christie came i told them what happend,and now the have negative thoughts about him.

So Samantha and Christie came to my house later on.I got a new laptop for my birthday so we got on my clickster. More negative comments by Jenny137cutiepie a.k.a jennifer so i got on chat with my friends eye balls stick to my laptop screen to see what they have said and then we say Jaboc just now ask Jennifer to the dance so Samantha and Christie and I are like what the fuck happend.I started to cry.When my mom walked in i wiped my tears away.She just said "Samantha and Christie your moms are here to pick you up. 

Later on that evening....

Christie Samantha and I were chatting on clickster later on so we planned to have a sleep over at my house this weekend so i typed back"My mom is cool with it" and we were all like yay!We had to ignore the comments that they were saying about me.Sometimes when people talk about me like that i have panic attacks or my heart races but thats the old me.Jenny137cutiepie made a video about me having sex for only 2 bucks and a another guy said i stink and stuff.I was really crying that day.

Next morning when i wake up for school...

My mom comes in the room and says "Hey Amber" and i was like "Hey mom" "So i saw your clickster the bad comments" and im like your snooping on my online life so i say "WHAT! thats private you shouldnt be snooping ma" "Jenny137cutiepie has been messing with you i see" "MA STOP SNOOPING"! so from there i got ready for school.I went on chat i seen if Christie was out front with the car but she was right around the corner with Samantha in the car. When she came and when i got in a told her what just happend.Samantha said "Why is you mom on your clickster first of all". and Christie said "Yes what made her get on it for the first place".and i said to them im embarrsed

When Christie Samantha and I pull up at school....

We all saw Jaboc talking to Jennifer  then Jennifer said "Well well well look at Amber and her backup twins.Jaboc started to laugh at the joke we just ignored it.Then in the halls people laughed at us and called us whores Samantha had enough with the bullying so she broke our friendship off and so did Christie so i ran to the bathroom and cried

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