The dying aunt

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"Did you fall asleep wise ass?" Lilly said looking almost displeased "stop calling me an ass" I said groggily "why should i?! do you pay the bills?"lilly yelled as she excited the car. just as I was about to snap back with a "actually I do!" I hear someone yell from inside the house we parked in front of "Lilly is here!"

"Lovely," I think, "I get to meet some new people,yippee." We begin to walk to the house which is more like a mansion and Lilly yanks me to her and hisses in my hear "you better behave you little bitch" "will do commander" I snap back with a sarcastic tone

We enter the house only to face a house filled with young, old ,female ,and male people. Mostly everybody looks up and when they spot Lilly their faces turn into a disgusted look. "well I see you are all head over heels to see me" Lilly said "who's the brat?" asked an older woman "grandma!"yelled a boy that for some reason looked familiar "we do not call people brats!" he said "we do if they look like that" replied the grandmother

"Well they seem to love you Elizabeth" Lilly sneered out "yep,better then they like you it seems" I reply only loud enough so only she could hear, she shot me a look of anger. she was about to say something when a middled aged woman came into the room and tackled Lilly into a hug. "get off me you wrench!" "Lilly, I'm so glad you came! aunt m. will love to see you,thats all she's been talking about!" the woman screamed as she dragged Lilly up the stairs from where she came from and into a room.

I on the other hand was still standing in what must of been the parlor when someone says "hello!" while grabbing my shoulder. I spun around to see who spoke only to be faced to the familuar boy so the only thing i was able to say was "uhh..dont touch dont like people touching me!" it wasnt a lie people really were wierd so who knows were theyve been, i dont need their germs on me. "okay,thats fine my names Casey, whats yours?" "Casey?what a strange name whatever names a name" i think to my self before replying "Elizabeth" "Neat name,elizabeth,mind if i call you beth?" "fine by me." i say a small smile on my face but in the inside i was sobbing Beth was the name that my father would call me when i was younger

"Elizabeth,come here please"i look up to a teary eyed lilly in the door way of a room upstairs. Wow, i never even thought she had the heart or soul to cry i didnt even know she had tear glands! "coming" i say as i wave goodbye to Casey and walk up the stairs. "yes?" i say as a walk up to lilly "my aunt," i give her a confussed look "she wants to see you." she says and steps out of the way and into the hall and gives me a small shove into the room.

As i walk into the small room i see a old woman on a queen sized bed, i then hear the closing of a door behind me. "guess they didnt want me to escape" said a tired voice from behind me i let out a soft chuckle earning a chuckle from the woman from the bed. "Elizabeth,i have something to tell you its about your parents...their not dead.

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