fourty-seven: jungkook

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taehyung95 ≫ @.jjungkook just posted a photo!
taehyung95 ≫ @.jjungkook tagged you in a post!


jjungkook he looked at the sunset and said the view was breathtaking

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jjungkook he looked at the sunset and said the view was breathtaking. i looked at him; and i agreed.
tagged: @.taehyung95

♥️ likes 1.2m

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taehyung95: jeon you sappy fuck🤧✊🏼 i love you
jjungkook: i love you 💖 @.taehyung95
multitaesking: i love boyfriends like is undeniably cute omfg
txelicious: this is amazing. my grades are high, my skin is clear, everything is amazing.
jhopebts: missing you guys😫 @.taehyung95
taehyung95: we're missing you too, hyung🤧 we're missing everyone!! @.eatjin @.namjoonbts @.parkchim @.minyoongs
eatjin: hope you're having a good time, my angels! @.taehyung95
namjoonbts: looks dope. have a good time guys @.taehyung95
minyoongs: bro i love miami so much
parkchim: we should go!! @.minyoongs miss u guys @.taehyung95
bogumpark: tannie and i are missing you as well!! @.taehyung95
taehyung95: how's my baby doing? @.bogumpark
jjungkook: i'm okay! @.taehyung95
taehyung95: not you, idiot
bogumpark: he's doing great! he's missing you like mad, i can't get him to sleep as much as the lil baby should :^( @.taehyung95
taehyung95: my poor tannie!! @.bogumpark
jeondxddy: okay tae obsessively worrying over his dog is both cute & making me soft what is this

yeontan is my ult bias don't fight.

also, double update?1?1?2

follow me on my social medias!!

instagram = cupoftxe (i'm not that active anymore)
twitter = cupoftaelicious (i'm super active!! i have a taekook au on there as well)

ty for your constant love & support!!

p.s : stream euphoria!

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