Autumn Leaves -- Zayn

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I apologize that this may be depressing. Haha, I came up with it while listening to Ed Sheeran if that gives you any warning about it. :) Thanks for reading!


Zayn looked down at the grain of the old wood, scratching at it with his finger. A tray of food lay untouched in front of him. "Come on, Zayn! You have to eat something!" Liam said from across the table.

The dark haired boy simply shook his head, He couldn't eat, while Emma was lying in a hospital bed with tubes running into her body. He sighed, "I'm going upstairs." Liam just leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms with a defeated look on his face. Zayn slipped between the table in the hospital cafeteria, making his way to the elevator. He pressed the number three button leaning against the shiny wall. There was no one else in there with him and he just stared across the small space staring at his refection on the shiny surface. God, did he look like a wreck. He was wearing the same shirt from yesterday and there were dark bags under his eyes. His hair was pressed down from its usual quiff. He hadn't cared at all about what he had looked like for the past week. That's when Emma had fainted while she and Zayn were on a date in the park. He had had no clue what was going on and found out when he had rushed her to the hospital that Emma had a tumor in her brain. No one had any clue about it until she had fainted. By then the tumor had grown and Emma only had a 30% chance of survival. 

He rubbed his face, it was all to much. Emma was the girl he loved. He was planning on marrying her one day. A ding sounded and the doors opened to a quiet hallway. Zayn stepped out and walked to Emma's door. He knocked and when he heard nothing he went ahead and entered. The pretty girl was sleeping peacefully in the bed, it would have been a perfect moment had it not been for the tubes running into her arms and the monitor to her left beeping. He sat down on the edge of her bed, taking her small hand in his large one. 

She stired slightly and her eyes opened, a weak smile spread across her pink lips, "Hey."

"Hi, love." Zayn said, rubbing his thumb across her hand, "How are you feeling?"

"Good." she stated simply, breaking eye contact with him and looking out the window.

The Bradford boy frowned, "Em, please tell me the truth."

She looked back at him, tears were clearly in her eyes, threatening to be shed, "I feel awful. I don't know what I did wrong, or what I did to deserve this." 

"Shhh," Zayn said, leaning forward and brushing away a lone tear, "You did nothing wrong, baby. The world is just unfair. You'll be alright." but in the back of his mind he doubted his own words. Chances were that Emma would only get worse before she passed. He pushed the thoughts out of his mind.

"No I won't." she whispered under her breath, "The doctor came in earlier when my mum and dad were here." She teared her eyes away from his looking anywhere, but at him, "I'm dying, Zayn. There's nothing they can do about it." 

Every drop of hope Zayn still had left in him was gone. There was nothing he could do now. Nothing they could do to save her. "H-how long?" he said, choking on his words. 

"Three months." she said, looking out the window at the dreary London day. Tears were openly trailing down her face. 

"I am going to do every single thing I can for you in those three months. Make them the best anyone could ever ask for." Zayn said, squeezing her hand and forcing back the tears that were threatening to fall.

Her blue eyes went back to his. Her voice was barely a whisper, "You mean that? You won't leave me?"

"I will never leave you, Emma. I love you and no matter what happens, that will never change." He leaned over and pressed his lips to her forehead as her said it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2012 ⏰

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