Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - 18th July 2017

He'd slept in some rather uncomfortable places but none of them included wearing a hazard suit. And it definitely hadn't accounted for the type of hazard suit that carried its own food supply. His hands fumbled for buttons, as he stared at the contraption encaging him.

Upon inspection, he found there were six internal pockets (all above the waist) and loose sleeves that seemed to make sense all of a sudden. Shade popped his arms in and out of their holes with a slight chuckle.

"Something funny?" Vic appeared in the doorway, blinking sleep from her eyes.

"Arms," he said, and held his out in front of him.

"Yeah, we have them. Genius..." She flopped down into a plastic chair.

"That's not what I meant, Vic." The young man rolled his eyes then fixed her with a 'look'. "The suit. You can move your arms around. The front's big enough. And pockets. There are pockets."

"You know, 'arms' doesn't really cover the subject. If you know what I mean..." After a moment, she yawned and launched herself back into standing position. All the time, he watched her with a raised eyebrow. "Talking of pockets..."

Perhaps her stomach had developed a direct link to her speech. Or maybe it was just impatient. But it chose that time to let out a grumble and stop the conversation.

"Top left pocket, if yours is the same as mine," he told her. "I've already eaten."

Relieved, Vic fished a morsel out and demolished it. She paused afterwards then turned to Shade and mumbled her thanks through a few stray crumbs. Meanwhile, he began to scan the rest of the suit. There were two layers to the helmet, like a computer that asked for final confirmation. The yellow material was baggy against his body and the over-sized boots were bound to it by rubber.

Then laughter erupted from his companion. As he shot her a look, she elaborated, "It has a filter system. As in, for 'business'." She gasped for breath and added, "You have to pee on the ground."

"I'm glad you find it so funny," he replied, watching her clutch her stomach. With that, he approached the door and stopped to glance over his shoulder. "Come on. We've got to get moving."

It took a few more seconds for her to sit up straight, stand and trail after him. When they stepped outside, the suits prevented them truly feeling the weather - all they knew was that it wasn't stifling nor was it in a state of freeze.

"I wonder if this area got raided," Vic mused.

"Well..." Shade's arms swung by his sides. His tone was light, yet with an undertone of darkness which always came with that topic. "Considering what we've seen so far - that briefcase full of money - I think it was. Or, at least, it started but wasn't finished."

"Nobody starts raiding a house then doesn't finish it."

"I meant the town, not a single raid. I seriously doubt anyone would've left those stores we passed alone without a reason. And the cafe looked like it was cleaned out," he said, staring ahead. "So, I'd say they were interrupted."

"Or maybe they stole big-time and were on the run?" Vic's eyes sparkled. She snorted and suggested, "Want to raid these pockets?"

"Hoping you'll find something?" He wiggled his eyebrows and the smile returned to his face. In response, she gave him a light poke with her glove. "Is that all you've got?"

"No." She rolled her eyes. "But it might be all the suits got."

"He's been living down there and making 'trips' for years, Vic. If they were easily breakable, I think we'd be able to see the evidence. Don't you?"

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