Marking and WTF?!?!?!?

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Stiles tried to steady his footing, though his legs were like jelly now. It seemed totally useless, especially with such a hot, heavy breathing, and aroused Alpha scenting the hell out of his neck. After Peter had wisely backed off and left the room, Derek had visibly relaxed, though his fiery crimson eyes had caught his with predatory intent.

Stiles had then nuzzled the older wolf’s chest, taking in his amazing scent. God, Stiles just wanted to roll around in DEREK. This was totally his wolf-nip, and Stiles couldn’t think much beyond how good it felt when Derek started nuzzling his neck and throat. Soft huffing growl purrs could be heard echoing off of the walls, and dayum, did it turn Stiles on.

Who knew that marking was such a sexy thing? Granted, Stiles had read up a bit more on the whole marking ritual and it had said that there might be some sexual arousal caused by it. The fiercer the marking, the higher the arousal, especially when an Alpha and an Omega were involved. So, maybe his Omega pheromones and hormones were just reacting to having an Alpha being the one to mark him? Stiles shuddered as Derek nipped and licked at his exposed neck.

The Omega’s eyes dilated in pleasure and he sagged more into Derek’s embrace. When had Derek wrapped his arms around him? Stiles had no clue, nor did he really care at this point. Derek growled out a sudden, “Mine.”

That just upped the heat on Stiles’ arousal meter, for sure. Stiles let out a low keen in response, and his hips bucked up against Derek’s. The Alpha let out a husky purr, “Shift.”

It took Stiles a minute to understand what Derek was demanding, since he was still high on the Alpha’s incredible scent. When he finally got a firmer nuzzle on the side of his face for not responding quick enough, Stiles mumbled, “Say –what?”

“Shift.” Derek demanded again, though this time he tugged the Omega as close as their bodies could be.

Stiles shivered at the feel of hot, muscular Alpha practically squished up against him. He seriously had no clue how their clothes were surviving this. He also had no idea how he could still gasp in breaths of air. There was like no room whatsoever between the two of them. The only things that were not pressed up against eachother were their legs and feet.

Stiles let out an eep as his legs finally gave out on him and he went flailing to the hard ice.

“Ouch. See… this is what I was talking about.” Stiles moaned, reaching over to rub his ass a bit to take the sting of falling out of it. “Ice – bad combination for Stiles’ feet during marking.”

Stiles let out an ‘oof’ as Derek collapsed on top of him, nearly flattening the Omega on the ice. Stiles shivered at the feel of cold, hard ice beneath him and hot Derek pressed on top of him. Total contrasting forces that shouldn’t be so hot but they were. Stiles let out a surprised keen as the Alpha buried his face into his chest, growling.

Derek finally had the strength to pull himself slightly up off of the Omega’s body, though with great difficulty. He instinctively knew that Stiles sort of had to breathe in order to survive the marking. Though, why wasn’t Stiles shifting? He’d requested it twice already. Looking down into Stiles’ soft brown eyes, he suddenly pulled back his head and roared an Alpha roar.

Stiles shivered and let out an accusing, “Ok, I GET it already! Sheez, stop being such an asswolf.” At Derek’s glower, Stiles whimpered and said hastily, “Shifting now, so get off your fucking high horse, you big brute.”

Derek growled in warning as Stiles shifted into his Omega form. Unlike Alpha’s or Betas, Omegas were able to shift into almost a full wolf. Some Alphas, if they trained properly and for a flippin epic long time, could shift into a full wolf, but it was very difficult for them to do. Betas didn’t have the ability. They just shifted to where their ears were pointy, their faces were blunt and their fingers were claws. Omegas however, had wolf ears, a wolf tail, paws, and glowing green or violet eyes. Stiles was an oddity, having a deep teal color to his glowing eyes. Apparently he’d gotten it from his mother’s side of the family.

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