Part 1

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        It was another boring old Saturday, you wake up late before mid day, put on the first folded T-shirt you see in your drawer, throw on some shorts, and your hair is in a messy bun.

        Since your parents are on a cruise for the weekend, you had no chores, and have the whole house to yourself. You decide to throw yourself onto the couch and flip through the channels on your T.V until something interesting came on. About 10 minutes later you hear a sudden knock on your door and the quick flapping of sandals fading away. You groan as you get up and look through the peep hole of the door only to witness no one there. As you make your way back to the couch you hear the knocking again. You open the door prepared to yell at some neighborhood kids, but as you step forward you feel the crunch of an envelope and ahead of it you see a trail of individual rose petals. Before you open the envelope you take time to look at all the doodles and cartoons drawn all over what was once a white envelope.

        Envelope message:

          "If you choose to find whom cares for you most, you will follow the path given to you"

                            -오빠 (oppa)

        You giggle, knowing that it's gonna lead you somewhere a good distance away. You take out your skateboard to sit down with your legs crossed and start pushing yourself with a thick stick you found to pick up each rose petal one by one, keeping track on how many there are.

You: 27...28...29...

        Slowly you start reaching the three digit numbers, "356...357...358..."         

        As you're running out of space in your pockets and hands you make a pouch with the front of your shirt and start filling it up.

You: 497..498..499...

        Your skateboard is suddenly stopped by some pale foot in blue flip flops. You look to your left to see that you're at the public water park. You looked back and slowly made your way up to his eyes, he is holding the last petal. A tear runs down your cheek when you hear the words said by your boyfriend Zelo, "It's been 500 days since you said yes to being my girlfriend and I wish to be more with you."

        You get up, barefoot, stand on your tippy toes to hug him as tightly as you can and give him a passionate kiss.

You: What's all this for!?!?

Zelo: I just wanted to show you that I care in my own special way *smiling with his eyes*

You: *giggles* Great, now I have to do something big for you!

Zelo: Don't worry about anything right now, let's go get wet!

        He grabes you by the wrist and starts running, but soon let's go to beat you to the park.

        You: Oppa!! wait up!!

        You start running at full speed, laughing most of the way, and because of the feeling of the fresh grass you almost wanted to roll around in it. Getting closer and closer to catching up with him, you looked at the ground, noticing a good sized, shiny, green piece of glass. Noticing too late, you fell down letting out a horrible scream as blood gushes out of your right foot. As fast as he could Zelo turns around and not wasting a single second to even think of what could've happend, but only running to you at full speed.

        When Zelo gets to you all he could say was that you're gonna be okay. He quickly picks you up and runs over to his car. As he opens the door and seats you facing out of the car, he kneels down to tell you all the funny memories you two had and anything that could make you laugh or distracted while looking straight into your eyes as he slowly pulls out the large piece of glass. 

        Luckily you had a lot of funny memories to distract you with and before you knew it you were at the hospital getting 6 stitches. After a few hours of laying there with Zelo you ask the nurse when you will be going home and find out that you are getting released tomorrow morning with either a wheel chair or crutches.

Zelo: 미안해 진짜 미안해! (I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!)

You: 야...괜찮아..(hey... It's okay)

Zelo: No! I totally ruined everything! You got hurt!

You: But I'm fine! I really am! There's no need to worry about anything right now except for what my parents are going to think when they see this.

Zelo: Okay...but I really really am sorry this all happend...

        He leane over to give you a short kiss and goes back to resting on your hand. The next morning you wake up to see him already ready to seat you onto your wheelchair.

You: Don't I get breakfast first?

Zelo: I'm gonna take you out to eat first then we'll go home.

You: Haha, okay then have it your way.

        After having breakfast with Zelo he drove you home and invited himself inside your house to assist you in any way, but before you enter the house you ask him to go get the mail to see if you got anything from your parents. Once he comes back, he pushes the wheelchair up the steps to your door and into your house. While he goes over to the fridge you go through the mail and find a card from your parents reading that they will be gone for two more weeks on vacation and left a few one hundred dollar bills for food purposes and to go out .

You: Oh! Oppa! My parents won't be back for two more weeks!

Zelo: 진짜!?!? (Really!?!?) That means they probably won't find out about the accident!

You: Yea, and they sent some money. I think I'm gonna use it to pay the hospital bill.

Zelo: Don't worry about the hospital bill, I'll pay for it.

You: 아랐어...(okay...), what should we do for the next two weeks then?

Zelo: Well I have a concert coming up next week, you could come and wait for me backstage if you want.

You: Okay! That sounds like fun!

Zelo: I'll have to warn you though....Himchan might be a bit of a flirt, although he's full of himself...he's single and ready to mingle...

You: Pffft... I think i can handle it, besides...I kinda look forward to seeing you being jealous *you poke his arm repeatedly and wink*

Zelo: Me? Get jealous? Ya, not gonna happen *he flicks your forehead and runs away into the hallway*

You: Ya! Why are you running away from me!?!? It's hard to move fast with this thing!!

Zelo: I'm helping you! You need to practice getting used to it!!

        You grunt and start rolling over to the hallway, you hear the door to your room creek and slowly roll inside. Once you enter the center of your room he comes out from behind the door and closes it. He comes up behind you and covers your eyes. As he slowly tilts your head back you say:

You: Oppa, we're the only ones in the house, I know it's y-

        He cuts you off by slowly kissing you and then whispers:

Zelo: 사랑해, 당신이 나를 다시 사랑합니까? ( I love you, do you love me back?)

You: * you smile* 네 (yes)

To be continued...

The Unexpected Weekend (Kpop idol: Zelo(젤로))Where stories live. Discover now