Chapter 10

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Y/N's POV:

You raise your hand and...

The little bitch disappears!

With a poof and vague white smoke flourishing in the air.

Why that little...

You are about to finish the thought but you feel a tap on your shoulder.

"Whoa. Calm your tits, hakuna your tatas" he says while trying to turn you around from his grip on your shoulders.

You turn without any obligation while trying your hardest to shoot lasers out from your eyes.

"What do you want?" You growl out, being intimidating.

But this didn't intimidate Namjoon. It made him more aroused.

Nah I'm just messing with you. He became more amused and stared directly at your eyes to piss you off even more than he already has.

"I wanted to see how you would react if I did so," he said, then smiled, showing the indents on the sides of his cheeks.

And after that day, Namjoon continues to visit you everyday. No scheduled time or anything. He come anytime he wants, claiming to be 'bored'.

One day...

That's weird. You think to yourself looking at the clock.


Namjoon hasn't visited all day. And to think we were getting closer. Nah I'm shitting with you again. Whenever he came, he'd always find a way to get you to bicker with him, in public, at home, and once even in the bathroom, but a groin was kicked and balls were held that day... not in a seductive way.

Goodness readers, calm down. This is a Jisoos household.

Where is he today? You ask yourself.

Namjoon's POV:

"You can't just go and see that y/n girl whenever you want to. You have your own responsibilities here," He says as I'm bowed infront of him.

"But my lord, you were the one who forced me to sign up to be her guardian. I don't understand how that's not a responsibility," I say while keeping my head down.

"Don't talk back at me, servant. I did it so you can look after her from a far distance, not try to create a bond with her," the lord bellows.

I peek my eyes up at the ruler. Lucifer. The current ruler of the underworld. Hell. My home.

"Yes, sir," I complete, slowly taking steps back to leave the room.

Looking at the halls, I spot a friend, who is supposed to be dusting, lying on a couch.

I walk up to his and tap his shoulder softly, hoping he understands why I chose to disturb his resting.

He opens one eye, then turns his body for his back to face me.

"Come on, Yoongi, you gotta do your responsibility," I coo as I shake the couch.

"He sits up and scoffs.

"Don't talk to be about responsibility. I can hear through those doors," Yoongi sasses back while getting up to his feet.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll just do what I need to do down here then go back up," I wave off.

"Good luck," Yoongi calls back as I turn to walk away.

"Thanks," I call back. "I'll need it," I mumble, far enough from Yoongi for him to not be able to hear.

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