Graduation Celebration.

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Blueprint's P.O.V
It's been 3 years since [Name] and I have been official. And I'm surprised at how much things have changed. When [Name] came back to school, everyone crowded and asked multiple questions. Some she couldn't answer herself.

She even looks different. I don't know how I didn't recognise her the day I saw her in the hospital. It blew me when I found out that she lived from that fall.

Anyway, that's not the point. Today was the Graduation Celebration. Meaning all graduates of Monster High have a party. The party was held in the school gym since its that largest area in the school. Aside the school courtyard or gardens. G!Sans and his friends had already graduated a few years back. But he decided to come to the party just to watch over me and his little sister, [Name]. You know, just in case we don't cause any trouble. Which I doubted would happen.

"Print!" I heard a familiar female call. I turn to see [Name] running over to me with two cups in her hand.

Oh right. I asked [Name] to get us a drink. I thought to myself. She handed me one of the cups that she held in her left hand. It had much of a blue colour to the liquid.

"Thanks, [Nickname]." She smiles and starts drinking. I drank from my cup.

"Hey, love-bones." I turn to see G! Sans chuckling. I sigh, knowing how much I didn't like that nickname.

"I told you to stop with that, G." I groan. He just chuckles more and then nugies (I don't know how to spell that word so don't judge please.) My skull.

"It can't be helped." He says. I pull away from him and rub my skull, hearing [Name] giggle behind me.

~some time later~
It felt like the three of us had been talking for hours. None of the graduates have left yet so we decided to stay as well.

Just then the gym door slam open, the music stops and everyone fell quiet. Everyone was staring at someone who was standing at the gym entrance. By the look on G! Sans' face, it isn't good.

Soon enough, I felt a presence behind me. It wasn't [Name] because she's standing behind G! Sans, looking at whoever is standing behind me in fear.

I gulp and slowly turn around. What I saw didn't seem as settling. His white, pointed, razor shard teeth could be seen with his unpleasant grin. His dark brown fur may look soft and makes you want to touch it, could probably put you in danger due to seeing his sharp claws. His jacket had no sleeves. The parts where they use to be indicated that the sleeves had been torn off.

I gulped again and was suddenly pulled back and ended up behind G! Sans.

"What do you want, Wolfred." He said sternly. To me, it sounded like a statement then a question. It was kinda scary. Its been 3 years since I last saw G! Sans be this scary.

"I just came by to say 'hello', G! Sans." The guy, probably known as 'Wolfred' responds. This makes G! Sans look almost threatening. Wolfred simply scoffed and pushed him aside. He approaches [Name] who takes small steps back.

"It's lovely to see you again, [Name]. Look at how beautiful you turned out to be." He reached to touch her cheekbone. I simply walk over and slap his hand away before he got close to touching her. He frowns in a threatening way to scare me. Sure I was scared but I tried not to show it.

"Who are you?" He growled.

"My name is Blueprint, sir. Mind telling me yours?" I respond in a kind way.

"Wolfred Howl. You better have an excuse for neglecting me from her." He points at [Name] who shakes her head as if indicating me not to do something stupid.

He was soon pushed away by G! Sans.

"I'm sorry, Wolfred. But I can't allow you to touch neither [Name] or Blueprint or, better yet, anyone." He says. I noticed his eye sparking with a bit of gold. Wolfred growls and walks over to him.

"And why not, Split-skull." He growls in a threatening way. G! Sans plastered his stupid smirk on his face.

"Because [Name] and Blueprint are dating, and this school is under my care." Wolfred bursts into laughter after hearing that.

"You!? Protect this dump of a school?! Don't mess with me, G! Sans." G! Sans' smirk disappeared and was replaced by his seriously scary face. Wolfred stopped laughing.

"Wait. You're actually serious?" He asked.

"Of course I'm serious." He replies sternly.

"But you're a jock. Why would you want to--"

"I'm no jock anymore. The jocks you knew back then were merciless and cause fear and pain to others. The jocks now have learned to protect." [Name] grabbed my shoulder and we both backed away from the two, same with the other monsters who crowded.

"This isn't good..." [Name] whispers to me.

"How could that happen? Jocks are supposed to be fearful to others. You've gone soft, Split-skull." Wolfred growls.

"I've learned from my mistakes. I don't even know why I became a jock in the first place." G! Sans responded.

Wolfred growls more menacingly as the area around the turned to a black void. Everyone was now white. G! Sans and Wolfred had their souls out in front of them.

By the looks of things, this won't end well.. I thought to myself.

G! Sans' eye sparked to its golden colour while Wolfred's looked more menacing.

A black screen appears on front of me.

*A fight is happening. Wolfred Howl vs. Gaster Sans.

I gulped.

This is not good..
(Gee, for once I appreciate my work. Heh, well that's chapter one kiddo. Looking forward to writing chapter two.

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