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Heavy rain drowned out all the noise. Everything was pitch black, and the only thing i could make out was that i was walking on some sort of road. Panic rose in my throat choking me with fear while my heels found every puddle along the way. I stumbled trying not trip, wondering why the hell i was wearing heels in the first place... I dont remember a damn thing.

"Hey! Is someone out there?" A husky voice shouted from the distance.

"Over here! Flash a light!" My voice was amost drowned out by the rain storm. Almost instantly light pretruded five feet away. Rain drop glistened as they fell dancing in the wind, making my feet move faster. I really hope i had not asked the help of some creep molester, but right now this person is my only chance. Picking up my speed trying to reach whomever was behind the light i noticed suddenly the rays got dimmer. Shit.

"Damn! Hurry the flashlight is dying, it wont last long!" A mans voice grunted. Then i knew i was close, i reached out to find him. Spreading my arms as far as they would go infront of my body--i felt hard warm skin. An arm maybe?

"Oh sorry." I whispered. Trailing my fingers all around i got a clearer image of what exactly i was touching, a chest? Is this guy shirtless, in the rain?

"Well you feeling my amazing bod' is not getting us dry. Follow me." I felt a big wet hand weave into mine and he started leading me to a unknown place.

"Tell me where i am, i mean where the hell are we! Do you live here? Why are you here?" I asked but my voice kept giving out, which made a nasty crackling sound. I had more questions but i felt as if these where the most important.

"Well, i could be asking you the same thing. Why are you all the way out here? Here is my home." Mystery man's breathe warmed my face, alarming me of his closeness. But instead of screaming STRANGER DANGER and haul my ass out of here he made me feel safe. Ha, a guy i dont even know makes me feel safe, i must be going crazy. But no matter how safe i felt, warning buzzed through me, reminding me i cannot see a single damn thing. Feeling my clothes hang cold and wet, made everything a lot worse.

"Ur shivering a lot. We are almost to my house so hang in there." He said. I had not noticed my chattering teeth, i had more important things to think about like- trying to remember how i ended up in this hell hole. The man's arms enveloped me, holding me close to his hard body. His warmth calmed me a little making me note how i fit so perfectly into him. I bit my bottom lip to stop me from questioning him, the prority is to just find a dry place for now.

"We are here, open the door and make yourself at home. Im going to go check the heater really quickly and join you." He had taken back his arms, leaving me cold once more. I felt almost idiotic reaching for the dark until i felt the icy doornob. Opening it, warm greeted me making me sigh with relief. I need to find the bathroom, i cant even imagine how i must look right now. Raking the wall i switched on the light to reveal a living room. Old flower wallpaper stuck to the walls along with a couple shelves that held pictures, And a large worn red couch centering the room facing a small box T.V. Talk about old fashion huh? Sauntering in i went straight into the nearest hallway which lead into the bathroom. Turning on that light i gasped at the image looking back at me in the mirror. Gross was the only word that could describe me at this momment. My long, wavy strawberry blonde hair was stringy and frizzy now, my makeup was practically melting off my face leaving black smears all over. Not to mention my orange blouse was hanging off my shoulder praying to be dried, and my tan tight forming skirt was loose, not exactly clinging to my hips and thighs anymore.

"Hello? Where did you go?" Mystery man's voice called. I never even heard the door open or close.

"One sec!" I screamed. I found a comb on the sink and hastidly yanked through my gnarled knots, using my one free hand to get toilet paper and wipe off the remaining makeup. After ripping a handful of hair from my head, i looked back at myself. At least i didnt look like i got ran over by a car before this guy found me, so i marched out of the bathroom to find the man confidently. I sucked in a breath, clenching my teeth at the sight before me. He was leaned against to closed door, and oh my godess was he sexy. Beautiful even. Dark wet hair clung to his tanned flawless face. Deep brown chocolatey eyes peircing my own. And his killer pink lips smirked right at me. My eyes where slowly lured down the curve of his neck to his broad shoulders and his well developed arms and his perfect fit body.

"Nice outfit." He grinned showing his dimples that where to die for. His grin was one that could melt the world itself...



Yes this is about faeries (fairy's just spelled differently)! This is just a dream she is having but it is very vital to the rest of the story. Will be updating once a week on Weds. After i get my first chapter up later today!! This is not edited by someone else so im sorry for the mistakes, hopefully you understand everything and please if you like this story so far i urge you to continue to read and comment! This will become a series in the future!

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