Anime Talk

16 2 0

*All nicknames have been reset*
*S.H.A.R.D set their nickname to Shard*
*Shard set T.O.N.I's nickname to Toni
*Shard set Saffrons nickname to Saf*

[Shard has left the chatroom]
Spring: I just finished watching LilPri
Toni: Oh, that anime
Saf:What are... anime?
Karma: It's like a Japanese cartoon.
Saf: Cartoon?
Toni: this 16-year-old bitch doesn't even know what a cartoon
Spring: Hey, I'm offended!
Karma: Moving drawings on a screen with voices
Saf: Oh! I know what that is now!
Toni: Anime SUCKS
Karma: Says the walking gardening tool
Spring: I see you dancing to the LilPri songs in your room everyday, so that's a lie!
Saf: Burnnnnn
Toni: You ruined that word for me
Karma: Stfu slut
Toni: whatever
[Toni has left the chatroom]
Saf: I'm gonna go under my bed now...;'(
[Saf has left the chatroom]
Spring: sigh
[Spring has left the chatroom]
Hey guys, sorry these parts are kinda short. I'll try my best to make them longer in the future! Btw, I'm taking requests for future parts.


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