Something is going on

486 13 15

**Romans pov**

Charlotte is thirteen weeks pregnant. This is just surreal, every time I look at her and her growing stomach I get a huge smile on my face. Our baby is growing in there.
"Thanks for letting me come," Abby said from the backseat texting away on her phone
"You know we can't say no to you, " I replied going into the parking lot

"I grow so excited going to these checkups" Charlotte exclaimed clapping her hands
Abby got out the car and knew precisely where she was going  "I remember going here. They were the only few people that were supportive"
That's why Charlotte told me that this place seemed familiar when we came for our nine-week checkup

"You think this pregnancy is running quick?" Charlotte asked me in the waiting room
"I don't think it's going by THAT fast. I mean it's crazy how you're already thirteen weeks along"
She started smiling while rubbing her belly "Yeah. It's surreal"

"Do we figure out the gender in this checkup?" Abby asked, putting her phone away "I forgot how this pregnancy thing goes"
Charlotte still didn't decide if she wanted to find out at the scan or receive a gender reveal party
"No that's the eighteen-week scan When we can recognize the gender or not. Simply I want to wait, " she said the last part looking at me

"Then you want to have a gender reveal party," I asked smiling at her
She took a deep breath before nodding her head "I really want one"
"And that you will get," I said, kissing her cheek
Abby came out her seat and got in front of us
"I shall help In the gender reveal party"
Me and Charlotte looked at each other and began laughing

Abby put her hands on her hips, "Wait, wait, uh- what's so funny?"
"You can't hold back a secret that big away from us," Charlotte said sitting up in her chair
Abby hung her mouth open in disbelief, "I can too"
"Sweetie, remember when I wanted to keep the surprise from Charlotte about getting a new car and then you accidentally told her"
Abby crossed her arms "I was eight"

" touché," Charlotte said, rubbing her stomach
"So. Can I help plan the gender reveal?"
Me and Charlotte looked at each other then back at Abby
Me and she said at the same time
"Y'all will not regret this I promise"
Boy, I sure hope so


"Yeah She's almost two," Abby said, presenting her with a picture of Alanze. Abby is talking to one of the workers while me and Charlotte wait for our ultrasound technician to arrive here.
"She's a mini-me so she's a handful"
A lady knocked on the door "Hey, I'm here, sorry I'm a little late"
"It's no problem" Charlotte assured her

"You're thirteen weeks already huh," She said, sitting in her seat
"We're getting to check blood pressure and your weight then we can take a look at the
Baby and listen to its heartbeat"
Charlotte looked at me with a huge grin on her face. I smiled at her and held her hand
"Yay I'm dying to listen to my future sibling's heart" Abby cheered slightly jumping up and down in the chair

The lady looked at Abby and smiled "Aw Y'all have a daughter?" She asked while she was checking Charlotte blood pressure
"Yeah and she's excited to be a big sister, to say the least"
Abby looked at me with a big smile on her face and she moved her chair next to mine putting her head on my shoulder
"Thank you for Claiming me as your own"

I gently pat the side of her head  "Of course. Why wouldn't I do it?  You're my daughter after all"
Soon later, Charlotte was getting her blood checked.
"There's your little blessing," The Ultrasound Technician said getting our attention
I always get a big grin on my face when I see our little miracle.
"The baby at this moment is the size of a lemon. Weighs close to eighty-one ounces"

"So this is the final week of my first trimester correct," Charlotte asked while looking at the screen
"Yeah, and most pregnant women enjoy the second trimester. It's when they're free from most of the discomfort and when they can really start rocking the maternity clothes"
Charlotte smiled widely at that remark. At this minute we have a side of our walk-in closet with maternity clothes

"Can we listen to my sibling heartbeat right away"
Abby said, taking a speedy look at her phone. But I believe something was wrong because she quickly got it back out
"Um, Can Y'all wait a min. I gotta accept this call"
Me and Charlotte looked at each other
"I'll go out there"

I slowly opened the door to see Abby walking up and down the hall
"Seriously though, like Why bother?.......  You're getting on my nerves......  alright sure bye" She hung up the phone walking back to the room but stopped in her tracks once she caught me
"Hey Dad"

I lifted my eyebrow at her "You want to tell me who that was?"
She winced at that remark, but started laughing
"Just a.  Friend"
I gave her an unimpressed look "Really? You would speak to your friend li-"
"Heyyyy Dad, we should get moving. I mean seriously, we both need to listen to the beat"
She walked past me going into the room, getting hold of a seat
This girl. That's about all I can say

"Alright, let's get this started"
A few seconds later we can hear the sound of a beat
"Is it weird that I still can't believe that I'm pregnant?" Charlotte asked, looking at me with tears in her eyes
I used up my thumb and wipe the tears off her face "Well from us trying to conceive for a year I don't blame you one bit" I replied kissing her on the cheek


We came home and Abby got straight to her homework.
"How Y'all feel about spaghetti and salad," I asked chopping up some lettuce
Charlotte walked into the kitchen "I'm okay with it" She started walking towards me "I also want you"
I took a deep breath, putting the knife down and bent to her "Ha very funny babe. But no"

She got on her Tippie toes and whispered in my ear "I need you now" Charlotte put her hand on my area making me quietly moan
"Babe. I gotta cook" I whispered back, making her poke her bottom lip out.
Well She's pregnant and our daughter is in the room so I gotta check myself.

"Dad, what color you want to wear to the dance?" Abby asked from the dining room, "I was thinking Black and blue"
Abby stayed quiet for a second so I turned around and realized she was texting quickly on her phone
"Is that a good match?"
Abby slightly jumped, putting her phone down "Oh y-Yeah that sounds right"

Something is obviously going on









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