I Never had a Chance (Tobee one-shot)

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        Fireflies dotted the night as we lay in the field upon the quilt; pillows continually craddled our heads, even after drawing closer to one another. Her hair smelled like a summer day after a bit of rainfall with a pinch of happiness. My arms held her close to me, her steady breathing kept my heart warm with elation. My sweet, beautiful Emilee had her head on my chest along with her arm, which had slowly begun to sink back toward herself. The warm blankets around us were the only thing that offered protection from the crisp air. The taste of the picnic Emilee had brought with us was still lingering on my tongue. I couldn't believe that someone so perfect could ever want to be with me. I was content with the world, as it had finally given me something to stick with. Everything was perfect.

        That had happened weeks ago, before the attack.

        Things went downhill a few hours after that pristine night. I was about to doze off when the first bomb fell in the field and sent grass, roots, and dirt everywhere. Despite being groggy, I managed to scoop Emilee up bridal style and ran to the car we had taken. My mind was racing a thousand miles an hour and I didn't think it would ever stop. I lowered her gentle frame into the passenger seat and ran to the other side, throwing myself in. I barely had gotten the engine to start when another bomb exploded right behind the vehicle. I floored it, steering away from the chaos. I heard noises of all sorts echoing around, but Emilee's voice took over the scene. "What the hell is going on?!" Her eyes were wide with what I could only assume was fear. 

        After making my eyes leave her face, I replied. "No clue... We gotta get somewhere safe. Will you che--" I was abuptly cut off by a jolt, which was a tad more, as it flung the car's end over the front. I felt as if everything was being slowed down, like when you fastforward a movie but come to the joke and have to slow down. I watched as rubble, debris, and dirt flew around the car which was in the procress of headiving into a mound of earth. The impact arrived and I didn't stay conscious long enough to see the damage that insued.

        My mind was barely able to register voices and more explosions when I awoke. Pain was the first overpowering feeling I felt. I forced my eyes to take into account my surroundings. I was no longer in the car, but sprawled out upon something rather unpleasant in texture. Bright spotlights flashed about, never staying still for more that half a second. I gingerly slid my head to the side, only to be overcome by anxiety.  

        Emilee was there, but she didn't look any different from a zombie off of a TV show; her face had been torn in several different places, but all with precision. Blood and wounds were scattered on nearly every inch of her body. What I saw next makes me sick to think about, even now. Her leg was severed with what looked to be a spea,r and crimson was visible on all sides and continued to pour. I heard myself shrieking, but I didn't realize it was myself until I was bent over her body, observing her chest, which I could finally see was rising and falling to gather shallow breaths.

        Arms grabbed me, voices swirling with the other sounds present, and I found myself back in the uncomfortable place I woke up in. Two faces materialized in front of me, their mouths moving and making sound, but I didn't understand, nor did I really want to. I glanced at Emilee again before my mind was forced into an uneasy sleep. Nothing made sense there, but I knew what I saw; Emilee was literally shredded. I could hear her screams echoing and the noise made me numb to the fact that I had awoken yet again. 

        White. Great, I thought. A hospital... But I wasn't quite right. I sat up and took in my surroundings. Yes, it appeared to be a medical building of some sort, but on a chair was a soldier. He appeared dead, until his leg began twitching as if his mind was trying to tell me otherwise. Military base? I couldn't tell. Am I a hostage, a suspect, or an innocent civilian? Before I could pull my thoughts together long enought to take in anything else, the door burst open.

I Never had a Chance (Tobee one shot)Where stories live. Discover now