xv. alone

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❝okay, kids. we should be going home❞

❝what? already? c'mon, armie. you're not that old❞ timmy replied.

❝actually, children's time ended two hours ago. time to go to bed❞ armie smiled sarcastically, making fun of him.

❝shut up, oldie. we have to be in set tomorrow anyway so❞ fallon sat up from the chair as well, looking at timothée with a small smile.

❝yeah, i will... uh, take you to karlie's apartment❞ timmy moved his hands nervously, not knowing how to act anymore.

❝the last to arrive, buys breakfast tomorrow❞ armie yelled before elizabeth and him start to walk to their car.

the other two young adults looked at each other before do the same thing.

traffic was pretty chill at 1am, so it only took around ten minutes to arrive to karlie's apartment

❝did you have fun tonight?❞ fallon asked, facing timmy.

❝of course, thanks for inviting me. it was... good to see you in person though.❞

❝i know right, maybe we can go out again soon. i mean, as you can see i have to work tomorrow but it will be good to... i don't know, catch up?❞

fallon felt so embarrassed for asking him that but she did really enjoy his company tonight.

i mean, who wouldn't?

❝that would be nice, i'll talk to you tomorrow?❞

❝mhm. see you around, timmy.❞

the girl waved her hand and got out the car. timothée admired her until she disappeared inside the building.

❝fuck you, timothée. why do you have to be so awkward?❞ the boy shook his head, feeling like a stupid teenager.



thanks for the dress karliejames and thanks for the makeup nicoleford

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thanks for the dress karliejames and thanks for the makeup nicoleford


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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