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The Kim brothers were currently stabbing the poor red haired omega with their intense gazes causing the guy to shift uncomfortably behind the wall of muscle that is Jungkook.

"Oi you two! Stop scaring him!" The mochi huffed standing in front of the brothers to block their view of the red head but since he was shorter than the two, he was finding the task a bit difficult.

Jimin quickly tossed a blindingly bright smile, that made his eyes into cute small crescents, towards the slightly frightened male.

"Don't mind them! They are both lovable cute weirdos and they're just being all curious and stuff."

As if snapped out of a trance by their best friend's words, both Taehyung and Namjoon cooed pulling the mochi into a tight group hug.


Jimin groaned out with much difficulty since he was being squished between the Kim giants.

At their display of affection towards the human, Hoseok hesitantly stepped from behind Jungkook with a shy yet bright smile gracing his lips.

He will admit that his wolf was a bit peeved by how the brothers were so close to his mate but he could also understand since they're great friends. He just have to get closer to the human if he wants him to accept his wolf side.

'Hope he won't freak out too much.'

"So this is what's taking you so long."

A familiar voice --familiar to everyone except Jimin-- filled with irritation, annoyance and a hint of jealousy called out, dragging the boys' attention towards the owner.

"Hyung!" Jungkook and Hoseok blurted out in surprise at seeing their alpha before them, at their school no less.

The said male only acknowledged his members with a simple glance before placing his heated gaze upon the three that were still locked in a group hug.

Taehyung didn't know what came over him but he instantly released his brother and best friend, his body moving towards his mate as if he was a piece of helpless metal and Yoongi was a strong magnet.

The brunette could see how blown the older's pupils were the closer he got him and how he subtly took a whiff of Taehyung's scent, savouring it.

"I-I thought you were gonna wait at the front gate for me."

'Shit, did I just stutter?'

"I did. You took too long, so I came for you. Let's go."

The older commanded leaving no room for any argument before grabbing the younger by the wrist and pulling him along to where he parked his all black Cruiser.

"H-Hey...wai-- stop! Dammit, ho-hold on! Ugh!"

The four remaining boys looked at each other then at the retreating backs of the individuals that left them only seconds ago.

"W-What just happened?" Jimin and Hoseok at once, both having identical confused expressions on their beautiful faces.

"Explain later." Namjoon snickered out finding the whole situation way too funny.

"How about we go try out that new dessert place that just opened up across from the arcade? I heard they had banana ice cream!" The blonde almost squealed in joy at the thought of his favourite dessert.

The pink mochi smiled at the older's childlike behaviour. "You and your banana ice cream obsession. Sure we can go. Would you two like to come too?"

Being the sweetie Jimin was he couldn't leave out the new guys. The surprised yet hopefully expression he got from the red head made it feel like butterflies we're dancing around in his stomach.

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