Part Three

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[Flinn again  on the right. (--->)

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I bolted up from my bed. Wait… what?! H… How? Where was the needles, the tubes? The machineries that were supposed to monitor my condition? I looked around and saw they were turned off. Sure thing I was still covered in bandages, but it didn’t hurt anymore. And why was I covered in white cloth? Yeah, the blankets here were of course white but, did they have to cover it ‘til the top of my head?

Everything was becoming weirder and weirder.

I looked around once more only to find nothing. Where was the doctors and nurses? My parents? How about Trevor?! It was so dark here. Even though I was already used to that, couldn't they at least leave the lights on? Weren’t I a patient here?! It’s not like I wasn’t paying my bills!

And that dream… it was so different from my previous ones. What did it mean? How was it related for me to remember…

Oh, wait…

Now I remembered.

The accident.

It happened years ago when I was so persistent in learning how to drive, even though it’s so obvious that I still couldn't. I sneaked out my father’s car in the middle of the night and as a result – wait for it – a car crash. With me in it, of course.

I remembered everything! Him!

I jumped out of bed, almost running out of the room, but then I stopped when I was about to twist the door handle. I glanced behind me. For some reason, the window appeared attractive to me; inviting even. It was open again. The way the white curtain was flowing because of the strong wind, it was strange enough to say it was telling me, ‘Get out through me, Flinn. Just like him; jump, too. You'll be fine. You can do it. Go on. Come on.’

And you know what was more weird? I believed it. In my head I was thinking, oh just fuck it. I had been in a car accident; twice. Jumping out of the window wouldn't hurt. At least not that much.

As I got nearer the window, the moon rays enveloping me bit by bit, the feeling of the bandages against my skin became irritating.

And so I peeled everything off. It took time, especially when it covered almost my entire body. After I was done, it felt refreshing. I searched my body and I didn’t find even a single, smallest, shortest, faintest scratch. Huh. Did I really get into a car accident? I had no wounds at all! Fucking amazing!

I looked back at the window and moved forward until I could see below. What the… I was on the fifth floor! How was I supposed to jump from here?!

But just as I was hesitating whether to jump or not, I saw a pair of familiar – too familiar – eyes in the forest. Really, what's with hospitals and forests behind them?

Before I could think of it and change my mind, I jumped. I was actually expecting my bones to crack, or at least plant my face on the ground, or my body parts to dislocate, but no. I landed swiftly, perfectly in two feet. However, I had no time wondering how I did that. After I learned in that dream that I was not completely normal.

I realized many changes now. For one, my hearing seemed louder; my sense of smell stronger.

I didn't know what I was doing, or why, but I lifted my nose a bit, inhaling whatever I was unconsciously searching in the air until I found it; Trevor’s scent. Not his perfume, but his natural smell. I looked up and searched to where it was coming from, and saw that it was just beside the room I came from. Great. Honestly, great. Because from what I could smell, or sense for this matter, he's doing just fine.

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