The Betrayal

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                           Chapter 1

A 10 year old boy with a little yellow rodent on his shoulder the boy was Ash Ketchum and the rodent was Pikachu
going back to his home  Pallet Town
in the Kanto Region after his devastating   loss in the Kalos Leauge in the finals against Alain. Ash made it home but when he entered he saw all of his travelling companions/rivals and family
getting angry faces from them Ash says
"Guys what are you doing here" he got replied by Brock saying "Ash we think you should give up on your dream" everyone else nodded except his best friend Gary, his brother Red and his sister they came on his side and Gary said "Ash you shouldn't give up " Red said "He's right never give up til the end and his sister nodded .

Ash Pov :

You all think this? Everyone nodded including his mother to say he was pissed was an understatement.   He was surrounded by a red aura he shot an aura sphere towards them and said, you will regret betraying me then he told his true friends and family to come with him to the lab once they arrived there he explained what happened the professor
gave everyone a watch like device Prof. Oak said "This is a nanodex it let's you carry unlimited pokemon and has data on every single pokemon " we all said our thanks and then I asked Prof. Oak if there are any other regions he said there is one region which his cousin lives in Alola he said to us go to the Pokemon School.

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