Kaminari Mitsue - Info

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First Name: Mitsue
Surname: Kaminari

Gender: Female
Age: 15
DOB: 20th June
Sexuality: Bisexual (Leans towards boys)
Height: 168cm (5' 6")
Weight: 52kg
Nationality: Japanese

Occupation: Student - UA
Mother -Deceased
Father - Deceased
Brother - Kaminari Denki - Alive

Friendly | Bubbly | Kind | Caring | Energetic


Short disorganized shoulder length blond hair with a black lightning streak, fair peachy skin pink lips and golden eyes

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Short disorganized shoulder length blond hair with a black lightning streak, fair peachy skin pink lips and golden eyes.

Hero name: N/A
Hero costume: N/A

Likes: Sweets, Kareoke, Swimming
Dislikes: The Dark, Teasing, Rain/Storms

Quirk: Electronic Interaction

Her quirk allows her to travel through electronic devices and while inside she can interact with the device or thing. She could move, see and enter files, search the internet, ect. She can also emit small shock waves of electricity and tamper with electric circuits from the outside of an object (e.g. robots, toasters,ect.) She can also give small electric shocks to prank people.

Headaches, Nausea, Can get lost or trapped in a device (rare)

Rescue (Can quickly touch someone and travel somewhere else), Escape, Out smarting, Agility, Speed

Sheer strenght, Rubber, Darkness, Tickling


Strength- 3/5 [C]
Speed- 4/5 [B]
Agility- 5/5 [A]
Control- 4/5 [B]
Team Work- 4/5 [B]
Knowledge- 5/5 [A]

Extra Trivia~
~ Really good at cooking
~ Has a nice singing voice
~ Younger than Denki by a day
~ Has to wake up Denki by jumping on him to scare him in the mornings

A/N- Please leaves suggestions for Hero costumes and names!

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