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When you got home you got an email from the jail and it read
"Dear leann, I was wondering if you would be able to council another prisoner.... hope to hear you from you soon , Mountjoy prison"

You reply back saying you would like to and they gave you a time so you had
Ethan- Monday - Thursday
Cameron Dallas- Thursday - Sunday

You got out of bed got dressed

did your hair and did a little bit of make up It was Thursday so you had Cameron to council you were nervous When you got there you signed in and was sitting in the room waiting for Cameron         5 minutes later Cameron walked in with 6 officers...

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did your hair and did a little bit of make up
It was Thursday so you had Cameron to council you were nervous
When you got there you signed in and was sitting in the room waiting for Cameron
        5 minutes later
Cameron walked in with 6 officers around him
They sat Cameron down and cuffed him to the chair so he can't touch you

Cameron's POV
I walk in  and I see the most beautiful girl ever she emailed at me I tried to smile back but an officer asked could they talk out side when she walked she looked at me

Leeann's POV
The officer told me all about Cameron that him and Ethan were close friends and that one day Cameron came home to see Ethan making our with his girlfriend he got so made that he went insane and was put in a mental home to cure him after about 4 years he was clean when he went back to Ethan to apologize he was told Ethan was larrested and was sentenced 24 years in prison he lost the plot and started robbing shops he was put  in a cell with Ethan and they had a big fight and Cameron was insane and had to be put in a cell far from the whole prison and he started crying one night no one knew why so that's why they got me to concil him

Sorry I haven't updated in 45282 years will try to update later on

— jade ☘️

Falling for a prisoner Ethan Dolan Where stories live. Discover now