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Prince's story continues. 👇

Prince was haunted by the memories of his abused mother. She was never the same after the medication. She lashes out all the time and pretty much does nothing but live free with a military boyfriend that cheats on her but treats her like no other man has. Prince works hard in school and pays the bills with the child support money his father gives and has a job to pay for his siblings clothes and food. He has no time for ignorance, but is surrounded by clueless classmates,teachers, and family.

Prince had a big test that he had to study for so he went to the library. He always tried to use every possible resource to do well I'm school so this was one. But what he didn't expect was to be easily distracted by this beautiful girl. she seemed so perfect and joyful. Then he came back to reality realizing 1.) he cane to study and 2,) a beautiful girl like that would never go for a shut off boy that basically raises his siblings and self. In this train of thought, his friends came over and started playing around so they could lighten up the mood since everyone looked so dull. turns out, the girl joined this crowd, she even played with prince a little by messin with him but she didn't know how shy he got. His friend could sense this so she told him her name and what type of person she was known for being for. Her description of the girl made prince hypnotized but he played it cool. He found himself doing the exact opposite of what he came to the library for. Instead of studying hard he was crushing on a girl out of his league. The next day, she texted him and they talked for a bit, he was trying to flirt and it was working cuz she told him that she liked him too. He loved every single aspect of her. she took hi mind off of all the un important things. she gave him a motive. he ended up being her boyfriend until his family problems caught up with him. His father cane and visited and got into a conflict with his mother's boyfriend. Prince's siblings were terrified. the conflict went on for months, but after a few, Prince was losing his girl. he was letting his family problems raise his emotions to where his love for his girlfriend got out of hand. he seemed like he consistently got mad and his girl didn't like it. she told him but he couldn't help it since the men in his life made him wanna give up on life itself but he told no one. Prince's girl finally broke up with him and that's when he regretted everything in his life. His mother was planning on getting married and moving to a new state with out prince or his siblings. his father secretly got engaged with this zit faced,stuck up snob, that tried to hard to be funny and has a short temper which kills prince's fathers money. prince finally settled his life problems by telling someone, he told his ex girlfriend knowing she would understand but still she didn't take him back.

Prince spent his spare time studying and figuring out ways to get his girl back when finally, his best friend died and his mother had a stroke. Then he found out his girl well the girl he loved liked someone else and he realized he had no one. forever alone, taking care of his siblings and trying to keep a 3.0 G.P.A. in school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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