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Dear Dillon's diary,
This is Samantha. We all found out about Dillon today, it's terrible he was truly a great person and didn't deserve that all the people that made him feel below them deserve to get in trouble because they were the reason he committed suicide. Dillon was a smart and funny boy that just couldn't find himself after everyone was making fun of him and saying things about him that wasn't true. He tried to stay alive but it was just hard..I wish he would have came and talked to me I would have talked him out of it well at least tired to help him. Today the principal was asking the kids to come in and talk to him about what happened and what they did to contribute to Dillons sudden death..one of the boys which's name was Matthew was the first one that went in and he told the principal and officer and his parents everything "When we started messing with him we didn't mean for it to get this rough we just wanted to toughen him up for the real world and be friends with him after wards but when my group of friends and I stopped the others wouldn't and we tried to get them to stop we don't know why they wouldn't and when we tried to talk to Dillon he didn't want us to talk to him because of what we did..but apparently the kids that kept doing it didn't care what the outcome of this whole thing would be because none of us thought that it would had led him to commit suicide and i'm extremely sorry for your loss Mr and Mrs. Wayde I really am I just wanted to help him out a bit and then I wanted to be there for him if he needed it." and that was all he had to say all of his friends got questioned and told almost the same exact story I mean the
part about them stopping and wanting to be friends with Dillon was true and how they asked the other people to stop and when they didn't was the same. But when it came to the person who's name is not going to be used until convicted of a crime went in and talked to them "I feel remorse for what I did as a member of the people that drove your son to kill himself..I was the leader of this joke and rumor that everyone knows about...they called him gay...we called him gay we drew a penis on his locker and girls sent him guy nudes...he was a good kid...and all of us realize that after what we did...and we all realize that what we did was wrong and that we do deserve to get in trouble for what we did...We all deserve to get in trouble...i'm sorry for your loss Mr. and Mrs.Wayde and I will take responsibility for what I did to help cause this to happen."

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