Speed Bump

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I smoothed down the edges of my flannel shirt and walked up to Marisa. She was going through her locker looking for books.

"He-ey, Marisa." I said nervously, "I have to tell you something."

She turned around and smiled at me, "Hold that thought. I have to tell you something too. Do you mind if I go first?"


"Thanks, Kace! You're not going to believe this, but Tyler asked me out! We're going to the movies on Saturday, isn't that great?!" She jumped up and down while clapping her hands.

My heart sank. I faked a smile, just for her, "Great. That's awesome, congratulations Marisa. He should be lucky to have you."

"Aw, K.C." She pulled me into a hug, "Thank you." She pulled away, "So, what did you need to tell me?"

"Um...it was nothing. I forgot." I waved at her and walked away, "Later."

A blonde-haired jock blocked me in the hallway, "Hey Kalie."

Tyler. I thought.

"My name's K.C." I crossed my arms, "What do you want Tyler?"

"How does it feel?"

"How does what feel?"

"Me dating Marisa, how does that feel to you?" He smirked, "Are you jealous?"

I scoffed, "Why would I be? I am very happy for the two of you."

"Really? Because word on the street is your in love with her." He said, "How embarrassing."

I stared at him, shocked.

I regained my composure, "Where would you here a ridiculous thing like that?"

"You're brother, Ernie. He's been telling the whole school."

I growled and clenched my fists. I looked up at him and saw he was laughing at my rage, "You think this is funny, huh?"

"Very. Look at you, K.C. putting on a smile just for your best friend. So pathetic."

"I'd do anything for Marisa." I said.

"Even let her date me?"

"As long as she's happy."

He raised an eyebrow and walked around me to get to Marisa, but I grabbed the hood of his jacket and pulled him back in front of me.

"I need you to promise me that you won't try anything on her. Because if you do, you'll have me to answer to."

"Oh, please. What could a little twig like you possibly do to me?"

I punched him in the gut and he collapsed to the ground. He looked up at me awaiting an answer.

"You asked."

I brushed off my hands and headed to class, ignoring the flabbergasted crowd.

Marisa had a boyfriend. But whatever, it was just a speed bump. I had plenty of time to tell her...didn't I?

But right now, I had bigger problems. Such as killing my little brother. At class, I asked for a hall pass to the restroom. Instead, I headed to my brother's math class at the opposite end of the hall.

"And therefore, the answer is...." The teacher paused when she saw me, "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, can I borrow Ernie for a sec?"

The teacher nodded and motioned for my brother to leave. One he was out, I shut the door and tugged him close by the color of his neck.

"I am going to murder you Ernie Cooper!" I shouted.

He whimpered in fear, "What did I do?"

"Wha-what did you do? I'll tell you what you did, you told everyone about my feelings for Marisa you nimrod!"

"You said you didn't want to tell anyone, so I did it for you!"

I growled, "Yes! But it wasn't because I was nervous, dipshit! It was because I was waiting for the right time! Now, thanks to you, Marisa may find out before I can tell her myself! And it is all. You're. Fault!"

I set him back down to the ground. He saw the tears running down on my face, and the burning look in my eyes.

"Oh..." He said, getting it, "I wouldn't have done it if you had explained it better!"

I rubbed my temples, "I did make it clear!"


I rolled my eyes, "I really need a smarter brother."

"And I really need a better sister."

I gasped and ran away. I had said some shitty things to him in the past, I admit. But Ernie had never said something like that to me. Ever.

I ran back to my classroom, crying. There were multiple things floating around my had. All which increased my sadness.

1. Marisa had a new boyfriend.

2. I was too much of a coward to tell her my feelings.

3. My brother didn't like me.

Okay, that last one wasn't much of a big deal, but it hurt. I was rude to him 24/7, so I had no right to complain. Seriously, what was with me these days? I had made a mess of myself.

After school, I ran home and shut myself in my bedroom. Ernie got off the bus and immediately took a seat outside my doorway, knocking heard against it.

"K.C." He said, "K.C. come out, I'm sorry."

Needing something good to happen to me I opened the door. He pulled me into a hug I didn't want, so I just rubbed his back.

"Chill out, bro. Not a big deal, I totally deserved it."

"No, you didn't. I also want to apologize for telling everyone about your situation. That was a dumb thing to do."

I ruffled his hair, "Yes. Yes, it was."

"What are you going to do if Marisa finds out?" He asked.

"The only thing I can do." I sighed, "Tell her I love her."

He smiled and patted my leg, "You scared?"

"A little. What if she totally freaks out?"

"Kace, we're talking about Marisa. She's definitely gonna freak out."

I eyed him, "This is some pep talk."

"You didn't let me finish. Sure, Marisa will freak out. But that's just her, if she's really your best friend, she'll find a way to accept it." He adjusted his glassed and smiled at me.

I nodded, "Your right."

Then we did something we rarely ever did. We hugged.

When push came to shove, he really was a good younger brother. And thanks to him, one thing became crystal clear. I needed to tell Marisa the truth.



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