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Keith was pissed at Allura. He actual loved what him and Lance were doing. He wanted to punch her in the face. He puts on his shirt and walks to her. She stared at him with confusion until he tackled her, punching her with glowing red. Everyone was trying to stop him but he didn't care and continued. Lance yelled "Keith stop!" which sounded almost faint. Keith listened and stopped, looking down at the bleeding Allura. Keith backs away in shock. He starts crying and runs out, thinking 'Monster, Monster, Monster, MONSTER!' He saw his hand becoming purple, furry, and claw like. 

He hid away from everyone, turning Garla with red eyes. He was panting. All he could think was 'Kill. Fight. Destroy'. He hated it as he whimpers, trying to get the thoughts away. He heard footsteps walk into his hiding place. He growled and whimpered then hears the voice of the blue paladin "Keith? Did you go garla?" Keith looks up. Lance was the only one allowed to see this side of him cause he was the only one who could calm that side. Plus he loved hearing Lance singing Spanish to him. Keith purrs "Yeah, I did...I'm sorry."

"I'm not, Keith. But...Why did you beat up Allura?" Keith looks down once Lance asked this. "I....I just got angry. I couldn't control myself." Lance sighs "I understand. Sometimes I feel that way too." Keith looks him in the eyes "Is it bad that I still want to kill her?" Lance looks at him, confused "................Yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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