The meeting💖

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Hello my name is Melany

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Hello my name is Melany ...
I'm from Peru
I'm on vacation in Mexico on a beautiful beach called Cancun
I've been having a great time, well, until that horrible day ...
Everything started on Saturday, April 5 ...
The worst day of my life..
Firstly: The siren of a ship woke me up super early ...
Then I scrubbed my eyes and realized that I had not removed my makeup the day before ...
But the worst was when I saw a LIZAD
At the head of my bed, I obviously shouted super strong making my dad get up from a scare, but when he entered my room and saw the lizard he started to laugh out loud
Secondly: I went to have breakfast with my parents and my little brother
While I was serving my breakfast at the food bar a lady slips and throws a plate of fruit with a lot of cottage cheese on top of me
Minutes later I went out to buy an ice cream and found a DEAD FLY IN MY ICE CREAM and when I asked to change my ice cream the only thing they said was "No refund" !!!
Third: I decided to go out alone on the beautiful beach of Cancun while my parents and my brother stayed at the hotel, I was walking on the beach when I thought about taking a break ...
I looked at the sunny sky but luckily it started to cloud and rain, so I decided to retire, I went to wash my sandals to the sea bc the hotel was very far away and it was easier to leave the beach and take a taxi to the hotel so I went to rinse my sandals to the sea but suddenly a sandal slipped from my hands and went to the sea, I couldn't  rescue it, so I had to look for a taxi walking BAREFOOT !!!
Arriving at the hotel I went to our room
I knocked on the door for 20 minutes and nobody answered the door, I was calling mom and dad but it seemed that they had turned off their phone bc they only sent me to the mailbox ...
Again bad luck came back and I got stuck in the elevator ...
Definitely this was the worst day of the UNIVERSE. But I got a point that made me be what followed him in anger, what followed him angry ... was about to explode!
And all thanks to the most idiotic boy in the universe...

(Walking by the pool and calling his parents)

-Melany: Aghhh PLEASE don't make me this day harder...where are you?!?
(A boy collides with her and throws her into the pool, sinks and the boy who throws her jumps into the pool to save her. On the surface)
-Melany: Leave me!!!! I can alone!!

-Chico: it was not my intention

(They leave the pool, the boy puts a dry towel around her)

-Melany: Aghh

-Guy: I...I'm...I'm sorry...I'm Harvey

-Melany: Great! A gringo!!!

(gringo means American in Mexico or in Latin America😂)

-Harvey: What is "Gringo"?

-Melany: An American

-Harvey: Not me...I'm not
American I am English

-Melany: Ugh even worse🙄

-Harvey: What ?!

-Melany: Nothing😒

(Start looking for something)

-Harvey: Something wrong?

-Melany: And my phone? 😳

(They turn to look at the pool and see it in the background)

-Melany: No, no, no, no!

-Harvey: I..I'm

-Melany: You're an IDIOT

-Harvey: I'm sorry...seriously

(Melany climbs into the pool and takes out her cell phone)


-Harvey: I'm sorry, I...I did not want to

(Melany is about to leave until Harvey takes her arm and makes her stop. Melany turns to see his arm and then looks Harvey in the eye)

-Harvey: Let me fix it, I'll buy you a new one

-Melany: (taking a breath)
Do not bother yourself!

(Pulling her arm towards her. She walks to her room).

 She walks to her room)

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Hi, my name is Harvey ...
I'm from Berkshire, England
A few days ago my twin brother Max and I were on tour in Mexico, thanks to our career as musicians ...
I want to say that Mexico is a super super cute country ...
Yesterday we arrived at a beach called Cancun ...
Max was super excited bc The color of the sea is turquoise bc it is Caribbean (he loves the color turquoise) and the sand is very white because of the coral
Today I went a very common activity in Cancun...I went diving because here in Cancun is the second largest coral reef in the WORLD!! It was my best day!
After diving,We decided to return to the hotel...
When we arrived the first thing we did was eat something, while it rained a little and after a while we went to the pool when it stopped raining and the sun came back... everything was going very well
Until I had an accident...
I collided with a girl by accident and threw her into the pool making her phone get wet and decomposed
I tried to convince her to buy a new her one but she refused....
Actually I think she was very angry with me...but I also couldn't resist to notice that She was very pretty
Besides,I ruined her cell phone and it does not seem right to me bc she mentioned that it took her a lot of work to get it ...
To tell the truth, I would also be very angry if I were in his place ...
I have to find her right now.

(Harvey tells Max everything about that cute girl)

-Max: Ugh Harvey it had to be a LATINA!!!

-Harvey: What is the problem of her being Latina?

-Max:People've told me that if she is Latina and she is angry, you should not talk to her until the anger goes away... they are usually very irritable

-Harvey: Aghhhh those are gossip!

-Max: Well I announced you

-Harvey: Maybe it's true but this Latina is the prettiest I know, People've told me that Latinas are usually very pretty and sexy...😏

-Max:Harvey!! shut up😳

-Harvey:Ok,but it's true😂😅

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