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One month passed since Louis started being a creep.

He would go order his coffee, sit, stare at that boy, and left him huge tip.

But one day Harry walked towards him and tapped his shoulder.

Louis looked and choked over his coffee because that boy was talking to him!!

That boy's smile changed into a frown and he started helping Louis. "Are you okay?? I didn't mean to scare you."

Louis coughed and nodded. "I'm good." The employee smiled at that and introduced, "Hi! My name's Harry. I work here. You must've noticed me here. You come here everyday and leave me huge tip. May I ask why?"

His face tilted to his side, making him look soo innocent.

Louis bit his lip and shook his head. "No reason. Just because."

Harry laughed at that and nodded.

"Tell me about yourself." Harry asked him.

Louis smiled at the attention and answered, "Name's Louis. Just live nearby and visit everyday 'cuz I don't have anything else to do."

Harry laughed but was cut off by his manager. "Styles! Get back to work now!!"

Harry sighed and got up and leaned over and kissed Louis's cheeks.

Leaving him all flustered with a whisper. "I don't mind you staring at me Louis. I love it."

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