yu•gi•oh - iko tachibana

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"let's go."

"but I don't want to leave."

- - -

• personal •

name | Iko Tachibana

age | 15 years

gender | female

sexual orientation | homosexual

family | Hiroto Tachibana (father • deceased) - Isamu Tachibana (grandfather • living) - Arabelle Tachibana {neé: Sterling} (grandmother • deceased) - Antonia Ono {neé: Tachibana} (aunt - living) - Satou Ono (uncle - living)

• physical •

appearance | With a round face, Iko has a strong jaw that forms a cleft in her chin. Her eyes flaunt a mix between green and brown, dotted with gentle flecks of gold. To draw more attention to her eyes, Iko often uses eyeliner out in public. Surprisingly, Iko is tall and slightly muscular. Her shoulders are broad, showing resemblance to her wide feet. Iko often ties her hair loosely, which allows for strands of chestnut to run astray.

clothes | Since she doesn't trust that shopping online, Iko shops from stores that she feels can be trusted. However, Iko has little time to invest in shopping, so she'd just take any clothes off the racks as long they were her size. That has lead to a combination of clothing, but she finds that she prefers to gym shorts and short sleeved or no sleeved tops.

• mental •

personality | Iko is high-spirited and determined. She often sees what she wants and sets herself to it. This has lead to her being stubborn and close-minded about her decisions or actions. However, she doesn't let life get her down and would still continue even if she has failed multiple times. Also, since honesty is highly valued to her, Iko is determined to be honest all the time, which has lead to her being blunt. She is tactical and has a talent to be able to think her way of situations quickly. However, Iko is jumpy and she can't keep her attention on an object as she constantly thinks about other things. It's also notable to mention Iko is rather cocky.

strengths | high-spirited ~ determined ~ honest ~ tactical ~ quick thinker

weaknesses | jumpy ~ stubborn ~ brutish ~ cocky ~ blunt ~ finds it hard to focus

• deck •

deck type | not set

ace card |not set

other deck news | plays rogue anti-meta when playing in championships so just tries to predict the meta.

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