Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to A monstrous afterschool program


       "Fail?!" my mom screams out at me as I sit on the couch staring down at the floor and biting down         on my lip.  My mom is a short lady with brown hair that reaches down to her shoulders. Her eyes are a shade of brown that matches the color of her hair. I get my shortness and brown hair from her, except my hair reaches my collar bones.She's worked two jobs ever since my dad died in a car accident. She is the most amazing person I know... unless shes mad at me. " What is wrong with you? You are an idiot!" she screeches out. "That's it young lady, you are she going to summer school and I don't care what you say about it" "But MOM," I cry. "NO" she stops me in the middle of my sentence   "No more buts May!" "Ugh" I stomp out of the living room and into my bedroom "You don't understand!"  I scream   "You never will." I slam the door and slump down on my bed. "Bullshit" I think to myself "I'm going to DIE in summer school."

        The next morning I drag myself out of bed and into the shower this sucks I mumble angrily to myself "Only three days left of school and than im off to another crappy piece of shit." The rest of the time I fiercely scrub myself thinking about how my life is going to suck. I turn off the shower and watch the little drops of water trickle out of the shower nozzle. I grab a towel and wrap it around my body and open the door as the cold air numbs my cheeks. I slowly put on my clothes and partly walk partly zombie myself into the car.  I get to school and throw my backpack onto the floor. "What's wrong?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me, Sarah. "Nothing" I say with my head facing the ground, and my teeth biting down on my lips. "Come on May, stop being an idiot and tell me already." Sarah is my best friend and we've known each other since Kinder. She is short and loves to sing. She's a total nerd and a teachers pet. She hates animals and loves reading.  She always wears skirts and a formal shirt to school. We are both 14 years old.  We are the most opposite people in the whole entire world but we get along so well, its wierd. I suck at school and I love animals. I hate reading and every single teacher hates me except one and thats mr. Greenburg, he's the only decent teacher I know and ever will. "No'' I tell Sarah as she pokes me with the back of her pencil. "Come ON." she whines as she keeps poking me.

         I wait for her to stop but after two minutes I realize that it's not going to happen. Ugh. I roll my eyes, and look her straight in the eye. "I'm going to summer school." Her face looks shocked. Than she looks confused. "what?" she struggles "why?" I didn't want to tell her, I didn't want to say that I got a fail. So I stare down at the floor and bite my lip as I wait for the bell ring.  "Okay," she says silently "I understand" she sits down next to me and we both just sit there awkwardly waiting to hear the bell to ring. When the bell finally does, me and Sarah walk silently into the clasroom and seperate into our seats. I pull out my chair and watch the students flood down the hall and into the clasroom. Than I see someone that I always hate seeing walk into the room, Steven. He walks behind me and whispers into my ear, "Morning May, always nice to see a dumbass in this school, makes me feel smart." Why does he have to sit next to me? I think to myself. Why do I have to sit next to the next Hitler." "Look," I say without hesitation.  "Today is not the right time to pick on me. Shut the fuck up or I will take this pencil and shove  it right down your throaght." His face is shocked, and I don't blame him. I rarely ever school  and I said that so naturally like it was nothing. I turn and look down at my paper, I will never look at pencils the same way ever again. I bite my lip as I wait the awkwardness in the air to fade away, and after 15  minutes, it finally does.

        For the rest of the day I drag myself through one class two classes, three classes and when I finally get to the last period of the day, the classroom with the only teacher I like, I am ready to kill myself. Finally after 1 hour, I hear the bell ring. I run out the door and slow down when I see the car where I know my mom is going to scream at me. I walk slowly into the car, and surprisingly she didn't scream. The whole car ride was quiet and kinda awkward. When I get home me and my mom just seperate and she doesn't even look at me. Not the slightest look of anger in her eyes, and for some reason I feel worse than when I get screamed at. I walk into my room and lay down on my bed until finally I drift off to sleep.


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