kpop and kmusic in its whole

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I feel really sad but felt like writing things in english because I love that language so I thought about writing about music and music I'm really into at the moment which is kpop and kmusic. When I talk about kmusic I'm mostly talking about khiphop and krnb, I haven't had the chance to listen to kmetal or krock (except for se so neon, thanks to namjoon)for now

so I first heard of kpop like 4 years ago, a girl in my class was a fan of it but I've never thought of listen to it, I was into my rock phase and I just started to discover music so I was really into rock, pop rock music and wasn't paying attention to anything else. when I'm discovering something, I like to dig into it really deep, I like to discover the whole discography of an artist or each bands that make a genre that iconic you know. so for almost 4 years I've teared rock and pop rock apart, I've discovered my first favorite band which is 5sos and then my actual favorite band, brand new. I met some amazing artists such as nirvana, la dispute, sad girl, eagulls and a lot more. and in late June I asked two different friends to make me kpop playlists. didn't know that I'd like it that much. tbh at first it only was for one of that friend to like me more (I'm craving love) but in the end I really liked it and since then I've rarely been listening to anything else

bts is the first band I've stanned. they're really popular and their music was really comforting me. I was really sad at the time and my fav band (5sos) wasn't doing anything and since they gave me the love I couldn't afford in my everyday life, I liked them really much. but they dissappeared for 2 years and I was by my own. so I started to stan bts.
I remember listening to dope and then quitting what I was doing to look at the mv bc I really liked the song, I saw taehyung and then asked my friend who it was. I stanned bts in like 7 days, in 7 days I knew their names and watched all their run bts and other shows (I hadn't anything to do). I had that other friend which was a fan of them si she helped me to know them and she seemed happy that I was interested in them
so for 2 months I listened to them everyday, I've downloaded songs of other groups that were on the playlists and some other that an other friend recommended me. I was away for a almost a month without wifi so I listened to it a lot and I started to learn Korean (i like to learn new languages). I liked those months
but then I had to go back to school in September, I had several issues with that bts fan friend of mine so we aren't friend anymore (I dared to tell her my opinion about fanwars.....damn.......). it made me really sad bc I've never lost somebody before so I quitted school bc i couldn't take it anymore (that friend wasn't the only reason of course but she was a part of it)
so for almost 5 months (til now) I haven't doing anything except listening to music
i discovered dean without even knowing he was Korean and then zico made me listen to khiphop, it's still fresh but I'm starting to listen to a lot of khiphop

now I stan bts, day6, monsta x, block b and almost ikon winner seventeen bigbang and nct and some other khiphop artists but I don't like saying that I'm stanning them, to me they're rappers and it feels weird to say you're fan of rappers
they bring a lot of love and happiness into my life and I'm really grateful
I like music with my whole heart and discovering a whole new genre made me so happy and I felt complete at the time. now I'm listening to more foreign music (nor English or French) such as Italian pop, German rap, Spanish rap or Belgium rap and kpop really influenced me bc now I'm really open to anything

kpop and kmusic are such a big parts of my life at the moment and it bring me so much joy. I am grateful. I love music. it heals me, it makes me feel better when I'm down. I love music more than my friends, my family or my life. music is why I'm alive. kmusic gives me strength and I won't ever be able to give back enough for this

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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