Chapter 1

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"Indie!" I groaned loudly and covered my head with my blanket.

"Indie! Get up or you are going to miss your flight. " My mother yelled.

I sighed as I got out of my bed. "I'm up! Jesus..." I walked into my bathroom. My curly brownish blonde hair was everywhere. I stepped in the shower and started to bathe.

Thoughts of anxiety and panic rushed into my mind. I wasn't ready for this move. I am moving to the Philippines to live with my father. My mother can't support me here. She's fell into the worse practices trying to take care of me. The worst profession she had was the prostitution and  the drug ring. I still remember when she tried to get out of the business.


I got home from school and went straight to my bed. I plopped down on the sheets and immediately fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of glass shattering. I shot up out of my bed and listening for more noises. I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I grabbed the bat next to me and held it tightly. I went into the closet and dialed 9-1-1.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"There...There's someone in my house. Please he..." I was pulled out of the closet my phone knocked out of my hand. I screamed. A huge hand covered my mouth.

"Shhhhh. You are more beautiful than the pictures your mommy showed me. "

From the tone of the voice I knew it was a man. I thrashed in his arms trying to break free.

"Oh mommy didn't tell you? She's trying to leave the business." He shook his head slowly and whispered in my ear. "See nobody leaves me or they face the consequences. "

I felt a cold barrel against my head. Tears trickled down my face.

"Don't move unless I tell you too. " He hissed. I heard the door open downstairs.

"Oh look who's home. "

"Indie! I brought some food so come eat." My mother said. It was at least five minutes until she callled me again. "Indie!" She called as she started coming up the stairs. I wanted to scream for her to run away and save herself. My mother walked into my doorway and stopped in horror. "John, please let her go. She is innocent and isn't apart of this." My mother said, inching towards us. John, I had heard this name before. Fuck! This was my mother's "boss". I wanted to kill him because of all of the pain he caused my family.

"Oh honey but it does. See when you try to leave the business there are consequences." He responded waving around his pistol. "You know what Indie? Get up." He said as he pushed the gun onto my back.  I stood up carefully. More tears erupted from my eyes. 

"Please don't hurt her. If you wanna hurt somebody hurt me. She doesn't deserve this. I was selfish and dumb to pick this path." She said as she sobbed softly. "Please! I beg of you let her go!"  

I felt the barrel of the gun press harder into my back. "Mom... I love you." I said as I cried.  A gunshot rang out. I looked around frantically, searching for the source of the gunshot. I looked out the doorway and saw the cops standing at the door. They had shot John. I rushed into my mother's arms. 

"I'm so sorry Indie. I didn't mean for you to be trapped in any of these.' She said as I was taken form her arms.

"Denise Porter, you are under arrest form prostitution and association with drug distribution. " The police officers carrieed her off to the car and left. That week I found out that when I finished Junior year, I would have to live with my father in the Phiillipines. 


 I carried my suitcases down the stairs and went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. I was so nervous that all I got was some orange juice. 

"Indie, are you ready to go?" my mother asked. 

"Ready than I'll ever be" I asked letting out a huge sigh.

"You know, I'm sorry..." my mom started. 

'Please mom, I can't do this right now. Please can we just go to the airport?'I said. I didn't mean to be rude but I just couldn't handle all of this. "I'm sorry if I sounded rude Mom. I didn't mean it and I love you. " I responded as I walked to the car and put the luggage in the trunk. I am really going to miss New York. I got into the car and we left to the airport.

HI everybody! First, I want to say thanks for even checking my book out. I have big plans for this book. Oh, by the way Indie is jadah Doll. There is a picture on the side. Thanks and stay tuned. :)

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