Sneak Peak

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                                  The Alpha Centaurians: Eros Love

                                    Chapter 1


Rylan, Nelan and I have spent countless days and nights searching for her. His link to her hasn't been broken, so we know that she's still alive. Nelan's fallen in love with the animalistic humans in their natural habitat. He finds them amusing, and has taken to ending the most dangerous of their kind, politicians. The lizards have their hands in everything on this planet, the subservient humans don't know it, but the dragons are in league with the governing humans of this world. Some have even held positions as high as presidents, kings and queens.

Aborted human babies sold to them for gold, children fed to the queen of England, who has an icebox full of human parts. I've had to divert him from his hobby, with a threat to send him back to Centauria, he's not supposed to be here anyways. He stole away from the battle, after Skye was taken and tracked me down. Father's furious and has sent a sentinel of guards to find him, but we're careful, we need him, there's strength in numbers.

Alone in the washroom, I try to make contact with her, and am unable to do so. Pounding the wall, the human nestled in the tub awakes from her nap, startled, eyes bulging, she's watching me. We've become accustomed to our mate's blood, and not having it makes us extremely aggressive. We need it. This human has been keeping us fed for the past few days, and she'll not survive this, as she's seen too much. I want to follow up with another attempt, but knowing the disappointment that comes after, I don't. In my agitation I go for the human, and am pushed aside by Nelan. He has her by lifted in the air by her throat, savagely drinking from her.

A strangled noise, before her eyes roll to the back of her head. Rylan has joined us, watching from the door. Letting her lifeless body drop back into the tub, he takes controlled breaths. "I need her." –Don't we all, he's tasted Skye's blood, and has become dependent upon it, his need for it has consumed him. Not only that, but she's bit him, and now he's a slave to her venom. Usually it's the other way around, humans becoming addicted to our bite, but she's a different breed of human.

Upon learning of this, Rylan lost his senses, and took to attacking Nelan in his rage, I had to intervene to stop them from trying to kill each other. Nelan will have to be restrained soon, if we don't find Skye in time. He'll not know satisfaction and peace, until he's had a taste of her blood, and her venom.

It's been several weeks, and still no lead on her whereabouts. Desperate, we've decided on a new course of action, and that is to use Nelan to find her. Rylan's idea, I wouldn't have agreed to it if the situation wasn't so dire. It involves reducing him to the predator within, unleashing it. He's already in a dwindling state of mental capacity, in need of her venom, starving him to the brink of madness, will guarantee that he'll find her or point us in the right direction.

We've kept him chained up, and starved for a week, and the results are barely tolerable. My brother, mad and straining to break free of his chains to feed, he had to be knocked unconscious before we could transport him. A feat that I think Rylan thoroughly enjoyed doing. Taking him back to the shuttle, he immediately goes to the spot where Skye was last seen. Sniffing the air, he does the most peculiar thing, he starts digging. Upheaving huge amounts of dirt quickly, Rylan and I look to each other in unison. We're on our way to start digging, when Nelan disappears right before our eyes. He's gone.

We've been at it for hours digging, which yield no results. Nothing took us, and we haven't uncovered anything, tired and dirt covered, we retire. The grounds outside of the shuttle were scanned, and we found a portal recently closed. How the reptiles were able to open one right outside of our shuttle, without us noticing is a security breach, some backs will taste the lash of a whip for this. My father has announced the commencement of the "mating ceremony", and I can finally see the life returning to Rylan's weary eyes. My scheming mate showed up to my rooms, clad in only a cloak, and I had to reluctantly send her on her way. I may desire her, but my desire for Skye is greater.

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