[51] Positive

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~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Cory's POV ~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter Fifty-One

I hadn't thought that Lily would be too far away, but as I searched through the crowd I started to realise she had disappeared.  Frustrated, I ran my hands through my hair and walked towards a bench to sit down and scan the crowd.  I'm going to find her.  I will.  And I will make this right.  I will fix this.

A blonde headed figure sat next to me and I sighed, knowing who it was.  "Hey Courtney," I muttered.

"Want to talk about it?" she asked, rather concerned.

I shook my head, my eyes never wavering from the crowd.  Where is she?

"Lily problems?"

I nodded.

"You two seemed so happy today, what went wrong?"

Finally breaking my contact from the crowd I turned to look at her.  "I locked up," I answered, knowing she knew what I meant.  Courtney had been my friend since we broke up.  She believed in me so much, and I even let her down.  Yet she never abandoned me.  Always scolded me, yet never abandoned.  I could always count on her being there.  She knew me better than most people.

"You know you do love her though, right?" Courtney asked me.

"How could you possibly know that?" I muttered, shaking my head and placing it my hands.  "How could I even know?"

Courtney placed a hand on my back and rubbed comforting circles.  "Because, everyone can tell when a guy first falls in love."

"I have been in love before though―"

Courtney cut me off with a laugh.  "Don't humour me, Cory.  It's puppy love.  This is real love.  Just have to look at you to know it."

"How can you possibly know though?"

Courtney smiled at me.  "Because, if you didn't you wouldn't be trying to scan the crowd would you?  You'd just go talk to some other chick.  But no, here you are moping because you can't find her."

I groaned again and mumbled, "Why do you have to always be right?"

"Because I'm a woman."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, rather offended.

Courtney got up and winked at me.  "You know what I mean.  There are always two ways to have an argument with a woman.  First ask yourself if you're right, if you're not, apologise.  The second if you are right, then no you're not and you should apologise." With that Courtney walked off.  I knew she was right.  About the feelings for Lily part, not the argument part.  She's so sexist.

Pushing off the bench I went back into the crowd to search for Lily. 

"Casey!  Tristan!" I called out, running after the couple that was holding hands.  They stopped and turned around with smiles on their faces, which immediately dropped when they saw my expression.

"What's wrong?" Tristan asked at the same time Casey asked, "What did you do?"

Choosing to ignore both their questions, I asked a little breathless, "Have you seen Lily?"

"Ah, I haven't," Casey replied whilst biting her lip.  "I thought she was with you?"

Before I had time to reply, Tristan said, "I saw her head off towards the home economics restaurant."

"Thank you so much Tristan!" I gave Tristan a quick hug and ran off to find Lily.

               I ran into the home economics restaurant and skidded to a stop when I saw Jojo.    "Jojo," I panted.  "Have you seen... oh hey Mickey."               

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