Chapter 14/ Chunnin Exams Begin

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Chapter 14 - Chunnin Exams Begin

It was another simple day in Konoha. The sun was rising to new warm day in the leaf village. The villagers were starting their own business and the other shinobi were preparing for their daily lives.

Currently we find Naruto and Hinata in training ground 8 sparring with Haku and Zabuza. Since Naruto got his sword, the raijin no ken (thunder god sword) he asked Zabuza for tips so he could rely on kenjutsu in a real battle.

Hinata was fighting Haku in an all out contest. Haku could only keep up using her ice mirrors which would lead to quick defeat due to massive chakra usage.

## Zabuza vs. Naruto ##

"Kenjutsu only" – Zabuza said as he was facing Naruto. They were a few meters apart, each one grasping each sword. Kubikiribocho vs. Thunder God.

"Agreed" – Naruto said a flared is sword to life, blue light emanating from the sword. It was sparkling in all its power. "Still not powerful as my preferred weapon, maybe one day I'll use it, but it sticks out too much" – Naruto thought.

"Let's see what you can do" – Zabuza said as dashed forward towards to Naruto. He went for a horizontal slash but Naruto blocked. He soon found out it was a bad idea because Zabuza had more brute force than him. Naruto was forced to jump back.

"Rule number 1: Don't block strikes from enemies stronger than you" – Zabuza said. Naruto run towards Zabuza, he jumped in the air and tried a vertical slash. Zabuza side stepped and tried to kick him in the chest. Naruto blocked and caught his leg threw him at the air.

Zabuza quickly regained balance and landed gracefully on the ground. "Not bad brat but if want to beat me in kenjutsu you need more strength" – Zabuza said.

"I could always beat you in speed" – Naruto said smirking and deactivated in gravity seals. Zabuza saw is body lightly glowing and braced himself.

Naruto disappeared in a show of speed. Zabuza out of instinct brought his sword up just in time to deflect an attack that would behead him. Naruto disappeared again and this time Zabuza jumped out of the way just as Naruto came from the sky with a vertical slash.

"I give it to you, you are fast but that alone isn't enough. I have years of experience" – Zabuza said and readied his sword once again. He dashed forward with impressive speed and exchanged a few blows with Naruto. However Zabuza just couldn't keep up in speed and waving around that big sword certainly didn't help.

"You can't keep up in speed with me" – Naruto said and continued to parry his strikes, quickly shifting his position putting Zabuza on his toes. Zabuza had enough of this, he slowly relaxed focusing his senses. He realized an attack was coming from the right, he brought his sword up but instead of simply blocking he pushed strength into his sword making Naruto loose his balance.

Zabuza took opportunity of this a quickly repositioned his sword at his neck. "I win, speed alone isn't enough" – Zabuza said removing the blade from his neck.

"One of these days I'll defeat you in kenjutsu" – Naruto said deactivating his sword.

## Hinata vs. Haku ##

"Ready Haku-san?" – Hinata asked shifting into position and activating her byakugan.

"Always" – Haku replied picking up senbon and placing three in each hand.

Hinata quickly run towards Haku. She shifted to the left to quickly avoid the senbon thrown, with her byakugan she could easily track the incoming senbon. Hinata arrived near Haku and went for a juuken strike to the chest. Haku quickly ducked and went for low kick. Hinata jumped up and tried a drop kick making Haku roll to the left.

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