the man that lives in my cellor

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kim's pov

i was in the car with my family on our way to out new house the sky was pitch black i checked the time anfd it was midnight . i looked outside and gasped there was man with wild hair sprinting after my car shouting leave my house or you will die. i looked to see if anyone else saw him but my dad was buzy driving and my mum was talking on her phone while my older sister emily was reading a book. what was the man talking about he said leave my house or die at first i thought he was'nt talking to us and that he was talking to someone else but  we were the only ones on the rode. my thoughts were interupted by the car pulling into a driveway i looked up and saw a big dark old house .

" ok kids were here grab your bags and pick your room's zand get some sleep ok you guys can un pack tomorow" my dad said as every one jumped out of the car. i stayed in the car i was really angrey at my dad and mum cause they made me move here . i heard a loud bang and i jumped i looked behind me and the back pof the car ewas dinted like someone jumped on it. then i saw a shadow it looked like a shadow of a person behind the car i got out of the car and ran to the house . i found a note on the front  door saying that there is one room left in the house and it is downstares next to the cellor and that everyone else is upstares  and my room is downstares. . i went to my froom and i didnt even bother getting changed i jumped on my bed and fell asleep. the next day i woke up to screaming i ran gto my sisters room where the scream came from  and i found  all my sisters cloes all over the floor riped to peices . my dad said it must of been an animal the same animal who broke the car i told my dad about the shadow  and the man thagt was chasing after the car   but he didnt believe me . the rest of the day pasted as a blur and i was now laying on my bed trying to get to sleep . then i heard a bang comming from the cellor i jumped up and walked towards the cellor . when i opend the door i saw a bed and a fridge and a wardrobe but i also saw a riped bit of my sisters cloes on the floor and thats not the worst part the same man that was chasing the car was sitting on his bed grinning evily at me . this was the man who  broke the car and ripped my sisters cloes. this man was  living in my cellor

 hey guys i hoped u liked this story i am going to be making a longer version of this soon it will be called the man in my cellor anyway so please vote and comment and let me know what you think bye

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