One The Ice

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   Meiko's legs wiggled as she struggled to main her balance on the thin blades of her ice skating boots. She was getting used to the heel-like feeling that she felt below her. It wasn't as hard as she thought to stand on the rink's floor with her blades on. The brunette looked up to scan the rink for any signs of the blue dog hat that she placed on Kaito's head before he headed out onto the ice for his his warm up.
   She then spotted two blue puppy ears weaving through the crowd of skaters and heading towards her direction. Meiko breathed a sigh of relief and shakily stepped forward, towards the ice. Kaito waved at her as his skating halted. His smile was wide and his eyes sparkled with excitement. Meiko normally never agreed to do anything involving an under 50 degree temperature. But the way that Kaito spoke about skating and his love for gliding on the ice, she thought that she'd give it a shot.
   Kaito reached his hand out, waiting for Meiko's smaller hand to fill it. His smile was still bright and full of life as he looked at her patiently. Meiko slowly placed her hand in his and gripped it as Kaito helped her step onto the ice.
"It's quite difficult as first. If you'd like, I can hold onto you until your ready for me to let you go." He told her as both of her bladed skates touched the surface of the ice. She gripped his hand tighter and tensed up. "You're just using that as an excuse to get closer to me, dummy." She replied to him as her feet wiggled below her.
   Meiko felt herself start to slip out of her stance, her skates were not wanting to stay put below her. She hugged Kaito to fix how she stood. "Well your plan is working..." She grumbled as she steadied herself again, letting go of Kaito's taller body and gripping his hand once more.
   Kaito chuckled as Meiko grumbled beside him, his skates slowly moved along with her slow pace. Every now and again, Meiko would get scared and grab onto his body to keep herself upright. He couldn't help but focus on all of the cute faces and noises that she'd make just as her rosy cheeks buried into his warm jacket for comfort.
   He studied how her short legs moved along the ice, her chocolate colored hair poking out from under her hat, her beautiful chestnut eyes locked in a focused glare. She was amazing even when she wasn't trying to be. Not even skating could make him take his mind off of thinking about her, just for even a moment.
   They both slowed as they reached one of the other exits in the rink. Meiko looked behind them and then up at Kaito. "I told you that I could make it." She smirked proudly.
    "I never doubted you. Think you can do it without my help?" He asked her. Meiko looked across the rink at the other exit once more and then stared at their hands, still holding onto each other. "I can but I just want to make sure that you can." She told him as she started skating again.
He skated with her as they began to move around the rink more. Meiko's confidence seemed to have boosted. Her grip on Kaito's hand loosened. She had let go completely, and she wasn't falling. Meiko looked up and smiled. She laughed in triumph as she skated along the rink.
    Kaito clapped as he watched her. She looked so proud and happy. His smile got even wider when Meiko waved to him. Kaito waved back, still watching the short brunette glide along the ice.
   However, soon Meiko's face had a look of pure fear across it as she looked at Kaito. "I don't know how to stop!" She yelled. Kaito skated after her. He knew that he had forgotten something but he didn't think that it'd be this important.
   He headed towards her, holding out his arms and grabbing her. Both of them falling onto the ice in the process. They both sat there in shock. Meiko knew that she would fall on her first try but she didn't think that she'd fall with the person that was teaching her.
    She looked at Kaito, her face looking like it was locked within a staring contest. Kaito's expression went from shock to worried. Was she ok? Was he ok? What was she going to say?? Meiko's lips started open as if she wanted to say something, then she closed them and looked around at the rest of the ice rink. A noise started to escape her mouth. She was giggling. And soon the giggles turned into full on laughter.
   Kaito put his hands over his mouth. Arching over and laughing along with her. They both sat on the ice, their clothing was no longer dry and their laughter could be heard throughout the rink. They'd catch their breath and try to get up but it kept resulting in them both falling down again. With each attempt at trying to get up, they'd laugh harder, snorting and squeaking as they failed more and more. People were staring at them. They were the red and blue bumbling idiots on the ice. However, the people's stares didn't matter. They were in their own little giggling world.
   The blue eyed man finally was able to get up. He held out his hand and Meiko took it, pulling herself up. The two of them held held hands and they began to slowly stake towards the exit of the rink. "Well that was something." Meiko giggled.
   "It sure was." Kaito responded as he glanced down at her.
   "We should do it again. Maybe next time, you'll be able to resist being all over me." She winked.
  "We'll see." Kaito said as he helped her step off of the ice.

So this ended up being quite short and hopefully my other content will be longer but I hope that you guys still like it. If you want, you can even suggest prompts or AUs.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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