4: shy

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Michael could no longer ignore the obvious reality staring him right in the face: Andrew was becoming very attached to him. Sometimes it seemed like he was following him, or watching quietly from a distance, unaware that Michael knew he was there. But Michael didn't have to see him to know he was there. He could feel it.

He maintained a neutral expression as he closed the lid of the washing machine. He had intended to go back to his apartment until the washing was finished, but first, he had to deal with his visitor.

"Did you need something, Andy?"

Andrew shrieked, and then he came out from the place where he thought he was hidden behind the doorway. He wasn't yet aware, it seemed, that other people couldn't see him anyway.

"How do you always do that?!"

Michael shrugged, smiling to himself as he set the timer on the machine.

"Call it a feeling."

Andrew sighed, sounding mildly irritated, but didn't press the issue any further. He avoided Michael's eyes. Michael didn't accuse him of following him.

"I-I was just bored. Lily said she saw you heading downstairs with a laundry basket."

"It sounds like the two of you are getting along."

Andrew bit his lip before answering.

"Y-Yeah, we are. She's... I still think she's creepy, but she means well."

"She told me that you tried to go outside the other day, and that you looked sick. Are you alright?"

Andrew winced, looking extremely uncomfortable.

"I'm fine! I... Just..." He paused and searched for the right phrasing. "I don't get out much anymore. I feel sick when I try to go too far from the building. I-I'm sure it'll go away, though."

Michael nodded and climbed atop one of the washing machines. He patted the one beside him, and Andrew hesitantly joined him. It wasn't exactly a bench, but it was comfortable enough seating for now.

"Now..." Michael cleared his throat as he looked around to make sure that no one was eavesdropping. "How long has that been the case?"


"How long has it been since you were freely able to go outside? ...I'm just curious."

Michael waited, patiently, for Andrew to answer the question. He didn't intend to push him, and if he lied, or didn't want to answer, that would have to be enough for now. Michael could wait.

He was generally good at telling if people were being honest with him, but even with his sixth sense and his powers, he could not see it plainly. He was reluctant to admit it, but he was as blind as anyone else when it came to trusting others. Whether they were dead or alive.

"...It's been about a year. ...Almost that long."

Michael shook his head. Oh, Andy. He hadn't left the apartment building in a whole year, and he still hadn't realized what he was?

"You haven't left this place in a year? That must get lonely—"

"N-No, I go out sometimes! And there's the balcony, and the roof!" Andy insisted, dramatically waving his hands about in denial.

Michael couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He knew for a fact that Andrew couldn't leave, and he didn't think that making it outside of the apartment building's doors truly counted as leaving. Which meant that, for whatever reason, Andrew was lying to him.

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