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3 years later

"You better have my money by Wednesday Ms.Cole or I will hate to have to do this but I will evict you" Mr.Parker my apartment manager said walking away from my door

I slammed the door and slid down to the floor as the tears stated pouring out, I was so tired of this. Nothing has ever went right since him

My life has been nothing but misery, but this is what he wanted so I gave  it to him, I took the picture on the table next to me and just held it to my heart. I haven't seen Danny since I went to my family dinner 2 summers ago. He was getting really big and I was missng everything.

I figured he'd be better off with Daniel then me since I could barely even keep food in the fridge. No one knew how I was living and I honestly don't think any one cared. I've gone through a lot these past few years.

Whether it was my ex boyfriend who used me and beat on me constantly or my boss who thought he could just call me into anytime he pleased or worrying about how I was gonna get our next meal.

No one understood what my life was like and they never even asked, I would put on the fakest smile whenever I seen my family or friends and they would everything was just fine when in all honesty I was living in hell.

After moving back to New york is when everything got bad, I didn't wanna ask my mom or anyone for anything at all. They always asked if I needed anything but I just turned them down.

I got up as  I heard the faint cries coming from my bed room. I got up and wiped the tears from my face and  walked into the room.

"what's wrong baby?" I asked her as if she could fully understand, Asia was almost three years old and when I tell you she is really smart she really is.

She's been there for me through everything,she always made me smile whenever I was upset or sad,I just wish she could be with her brother so they can bond and get to know each other Danny was 5 now and I know he was huge because my mom sent me a picture of him

I remember I cried so hard that night, I've missed everything,his first day of school, his first wiggly tooth his first hair cut all because I was broken hearted, I could've tooken Danny with me but I wouldn't wanna do that to Daniel and I know he would come looking for me so I didn't wanna go to court for all this putting my baby through all of this

I picked Asia up craddling her in my arms sitting on the bed with her,she sat up and I put her binky in her mouth so she wouldn't start crying again

She stood up on my legs and took my face into both of her little hands and leaned in shaking her nose against mines,I laughed at her and kissed her cheek. I use to do that to her all the time when she was around 1 and she started doing it to me once she caught on.


It was going on 10:30 and I had to be at work by 11 so I was getting my work bag ready and Asia's diaper bag ready so I could take her to my mom's house.

Once I was all set I grabbed Asia and the two bags and left out of my apartment locking the door. I put the bags in the trunk of my little Toyota then strapped Asia in her carseat before getting in the car myself and pulling off.

I didn't even go inside my moms house my sister just came outside and took Asia and her bag and left. It was like a routine because I never wanted to talk to them cause I knew soon they would find out how bad my life is.

When I got to work the club was in full swing people were already drunk and we opened at 9 and it was only 11.

I walked in the locker room and greeted the girls and got changed. No one knew that I was a stripper and that I did it to help pay my bills and keep food on the tabel and I wanted it to stay that way

"Give it up for Candy's finest exoctic dancer BRITTNEYYYYY!!" the Dj yelled my stage name through the mic

here goes nothing...

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