Chapter 1

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Clarke looked on as Lexa pulled out a switchblade and was getting ready to use it. Sure she didn't really care for the guy that Lexa was about to cut up, but that didn't mean she wanted it to happen.

"Lexa stop!" Clarke cried out. Lexa knocked the guy out with a socked right across the kiss before closing the switchblade and putting it in her back pocket.

"Satisfied?" Lexa asked with a snarl.

"I just didn't want you to hurt him." Clarke reply.

"Well, you remember that next time he beats another girl to a pulp," Lexa said in cold tone before walking away as Clarke stood there stunned by what she just heard. Without hesitation, she runs to catch up with Lexa, yelling, "wait up!"

Lexa stops to light a cigarette before Clarke catches up to her.

"You know them things will kill you," Clarke said.

"What are you, my doctor?" Lexa asked. Clarke shakes her head.

"Besides we all got to die sometime or another."

"So you're going out with lung cancer?"

"I could die just trying to cross the street or an intruder could break into my house tonight and kill me. I could keep going, but I think I made my point."

"Yeah, that you're crazy."

"No one's completely sane, princess."

Lexa takes her draw from her cigarette as she and Clarke Walk across the street. When they reach the other side, Clarke begins to speak.

"Who did he beat up?" Clarke asked. Lexa takes another draw before she answers her.

"A friend of mine, the doctor said she be lucky if she ever walks again."

"And your response is to give him the same treatment?"

"An eye for an eye."

"Oh great, quote the Bible while you're at it."

"Let me ask you something." Lexa said, "what would've you done if he did the same thing to someone you were close to?"

"Let the police handle it." Clarke reply.

"Goddamn girl scout," Lexa mumbled under her breath as she takes another draw.

"What if I am? At least I don't go around slicing on people." Clarke said. Lexa turns around and shoves Clarke against the wall. Then she tosses her cigarette aside and shakes her roughly.

"Listen here you little twit. You don't know a goddamn thing about me, so keep your comments to yourself or next time you'll be grinning from ear to ear." Lexa says giving Clarke a backhanded slap across the cheek before she left. Lexa was surprised that Clarke didn't cry out when she grabbed her and then slapped her. She was even more shocked that Clarke wasn't crying right now. Most girls would be balling their eyes out. Maybe she underestimated her.

The Bad Girl and the Good Girl (Clexa)Where stories live. Discover now