tobijizz: you're new video was good Katie
joshua: damnn Tobi
katierose: cheers x
zinguthepingu: Tobi's making moves
tobijizz: we literally don't even know eachother
katierose: exactly
dejisbrother: someone tell Simon to shut up, he's shouting while filming and he's disrupting me
vikkystar123: do it yourself you lazy fuck
harold: vikk's getting rude
rosekatie: lol
tobijizz: never say that again
joshua: cringeeee
rosekatie: lol
rosekatie: lol
rosekatie: lol
rosekatie: lol
dejisbrother: fuck off
joshua: language!
dejisbrother: english!
simone: what?
dejisbrother: the language I speak is English
simone: you're actually so weird
Groupchat • Sidemen
Random076252826377: why tf am I here Simone: Joshh you added the wrong number! When Josh added the wrong number to their group chat, what will happen between the sidemen and Katie rose? (Social media + group chat)