Chapter 11

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Chapter Warnings: Monster sex, monster genitalia, choking, possessive behavior, forcefulness, shower sex, manipulation, frightening/monstrous imagery, cringeworthy dialogue, cliché elements,  acts of violence, gore, temperamental clowns


The sound of his voice sent chills down your spine as he eyed you hungrily like a lion stalking his prey. You opened your mouth to speak for but fell short as his hand lifted to your face, black claws seeping through the torn fabric on the tips of his gloved fingers. You flinched as he ran one of his sharp nails along your cheek, surprised and grateful that it didn't break the skin.

"Such a pretty thing," he cooed as his hand trailed lower over your neck and collarbone. "I don't often surround myself with pretty things, but you're my exception."

"Uhh," you stuttered nervously, unable to ignore the feeling of his pointed claw edging further down in between the crevice of your breasts. "Am I supposed to be flattered?"

He chuckled darkly, digging his claw into your shirt, somehow avoiding your sensitive skin to hook it underneath the fabric before ripping it harshly towards him. You stumbled forward a couple of steps due to the force of his actions as your shirt ripped open effortlessly, revealing your bra.

Looking down to inspect the damage, you scoffed at his handiwork. "You could have just asked," you huffed. "You owe me a new shirt."

"Enough," he silenced you. Gazing at him impatiently, you watched as he leaned into you, inhaling deeply before releasing a disgusted noise. "You reek of him. Remove your clothes."

"Not happening," you argued, attempting to turn around before he grabbed your wrist and spun you around, taking it upon himself to then scoop you up and haul you over his shoulder. "Hey!" you squeaked, not expecting to be so forcefully handled. "What the hell! Pennywise, stop!"

He carried you into the bathroom before allowing you to slide down from his shoulders and land harshly on the top of the toilet seat with a thud. He continued to look at you expectantly, waiting for you to follow his previous instructions.

You crossed your arms defiantly before addressing him. "You're seriously doing this? I smell too much like another person and you're trying to make me shower? This is how you expect me to connect with you? You're being ridiculous."

He sneered at you, taking a moment to contemplate his words. "I never said that I wanted to connect with you," he replied harshly before a malevolent grin spread slowly across his face. "I want to use you."

His eyes blazed as he viciously pulled you up from your sitting position and started to savagely pull off your clothing. Instead of fighting him, you realized that you were somewhat excited by his actions.

Leaving you bare, he then reached into the shower to turn the water on. You couldn't help but grin at his actions. He was being almost... normal - considering he was a demonic clown in your bathroom forcing you to wash off the smell of your ex-boyfriend. He turned around to stare at you with determination before he demanded, "Get in."

Complying with his request without a fuss, you stepped into the shower slowly before spinning around quickly and grabbing him by his fluffy collar, pulling him into the shower with you.

He stumbled forward, surprised by the unexpected action, but said nothing as he steadied himself, staring down at you, waiting for your next move.

You couldn't help but gawk at him as the steam surrounded his tall, lanky form; his once messy red hair was tamed by the shower as the water dripped down his form. You reached forward to rub your thumb against his cheek, expecting to smear the red and white paint that adorned his face, but furrowed your brows when you realized that the coloration was simply part of his skin, embedded beneath the surface. "That is so weird," you breathed, which caused him to laugh softly.

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