Tea Time

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"Ah, and we have arrived, Clovis," Lord Weston whispered to his mechanical assistant.

There in front of him on his young daughter's suitcase sat his two guests and Ada herself. The three were slouched against each other, fast asleep.

Ms. Rouse' head was gently rested against Dr. Saban's shoulder. The doctor's fez was gradually sliding off his dark hair each time he snored and Ada sat squished in between them sucking her thumb as she slept. Lord Weston smiled slightly as he observed the comedic scene.

"Shall I wake them up, sir?" interrupted Clovis. The great man sighed.

"I suppose, as we are late for tea already," he replied. The owl ruffled his feather's, feeling rather important with his task.

He let out a bright metallic squawk and all three of them woke up with a start.

Dr. Saban shot up, forgetting about Ada completely, and quickly bowed to Lord Weston.

"Forgive me, Theodore. I'm afraid it's been a busy day," he said respectfully, his voice heavy with an Arabian accent (as well as sleep.)

"He's quite right, the day including an incident with a monkey and my poor hat," Ms. Rouse added, shooting the Turk a glare. Lord Weston chuckled.

"Quite alright. You'd find my stories of monkeys and lady's hats quite interesting as I've come straight from Brazil," he answered with a smile.

Suddenly, a screech came from Lord Weston's trouser pocket and the furry animal himself popped his head up through the fabric.

"Halil! What have I told you about sleeping in pockets! Rrbah, you're quite a lot to handle sometimes!" Dr. Saban scolded as the monkey crawled sheepishly onto his shoulder.

"Excuse me," came a small voice. Everyone's attention was drawn toward the tiny girl below on the pavement. She glared up at the prestigious group of adults and crossed her chubby arms.

"Ada! My sweet angel, come give your father a kiss," Lord Weston laughed, bending down until he was on his heels. He opened his arms wide and for a moment the girl stood there stubbornly but soon enough she melted and rushed into her father's awaiting arms. "I heard you got lost. Are you alright, darling?" he asked with a frown. Ada giggled.

"I didn't get lost. Mr. Clovis did," she replied, glancing up at the owl mischievously. The mechanical nanny sniffed and turned his head.

Lord Weston hoisted his little girl up and stood to his full height. The two adults next to him smiled as Ada snuggled into his arms.

"Now I suppose we should have that tea we were discussing?" the man suggested.

With that, the group left the famous West Brixton Station animatedly, with Dr. Saban explaining the previous situation with vigor.

As they reached the tall double doors, Ada glanced back over her father's shoulder and smiled sleepily as she noticed something left on the ground near Ticket Station 11. Before she could point it out however, the tired toddler drifted off to sleep without another thought.

The suitcase sat in the middle of a forest of legs, quite forgotten.

.  .  .

End of Adventure One

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