I need your help

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Ivan's P.O.V (Ivan's P.O.V finally)
Alex looks like she is about to cry. "Alex what's wrong" I Ask. "I..Ivan I have to go" Alex gets up and walks away. I get up and I run up to her I turn her around and hug her. "I...Ivan I...." she Crys into my chest as she shows me a post of Rylan and This girl On a date with the caption 'date night'

" she Crys into my chest as she shows me a post of Rylan and This girl On a date with the caption 'date night'

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"Hey.. hey your ok" I walk her back  to the tree and calm her down. Then the girl that came up and kissed me walked to the tree. "Hey Ivan who is this" the girl Ask. "You don't need to know" I Say Back. "Oh you don't know my name. My name is Maryline" She Says I don't care. "I don't care just leave us alone" I Say Helping alex Up. "Ivan let's go" Alex And I walk to her car. Maryline won't take a hint she follows us. "Alex This girl won't leave us alone"
I grumble under my breath. "Ivan we will just leave" Alex puts her car in reverse we leave. I am glad I met her at the park I didn't have a ride since Emilo took the car.
Alex's P.O.V
This girl won't leave Ivan alone So we leave the tree. I drop Ivan off and Emilo picks him up. I go back home to lily. "How Long did it take you for that drive" Lily ask me when I come in the door "I ran into Ivan Also Did you see Rylans new post" I Say Putting stuff Down. "Yea I found it on. Instagram That is messed up" lily Helps me clean myself up. Then my phone buzzes it Rylan. Ok what I don't need it's gone text me saying he Sorry for the insta post.
R:Alex I am sorry for the instagram post I knew you saw it cause you commented you can call me a jerk I understand
I am going to play a prank where I didn't comment so I went and deleted my comment
A:Rylan what are you taking about I didn't see any instagram post
R:Wait I saw you comment *refreshs comments* oh you didn't
R:oh I am sorry Alex
A:I thought our relationship wouldn't end up with us breaking up but I guess it has to
R:Alex wait please don't do this
A:I am afraid I have to Rylan
R:Alex please
A:Rylan we are through
I flop on my bed and cry cause I loved Rylan But then Dante Text me great more drama
(D:Dante A:Alex)
D:Hey Alex
A:Dante what do you want I don't want to talk right now
D:What's wrong
A:I don't want to talk about it go ask Rylan
Lily peeks her head in the door. I look up and she is just there in shock. "Alex.. what's wrong" She stutters. "Just another heartbreak" I Say Getting up. "Gurl How about for awhile you don't date anyone only if you gain there trust agian" Lily sits on my bed
A/N:Oh My Goodness! Alex and Rylan broke up! will Rylan Regain Alex's trust who knows

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