I fell, hit my head, and now I have a hot boyfriend?!

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The day started like any other. I brushed quickly through my hair and put on a t-shirt and jeans. I looked in the mirror. I hate my face, I had acne like so many other 14 year old girls. My blue eyes were dull and boring. My short brown hair had split ends and no matter how much I washed it, it always looked greasy. I ran outside, just in time to catch the bus to Liam's house. Liam is my boyfriend. He had long black hair, like really long, acne and bad teeth. He didn't exactly have any muscles but we were best friends forever and decided to take it to the next level. I jumped off the bus, and ran to Liam's house. He had a small light blue house with a big garden outside. I remember playing there when we were little. My first kiss happened there. He told me he wanted a kiss, and I said he had to catch me first. After he chased me for about 10 minutes, I tripped and he kissed me. I guess I have always been clumsy so the next part really shouldn't surprise me. Suddenly, I was falling. Waiting for the pain, but it didn't come.

I opened my eyes, my head hurt. Badly. All I could see was a bright white wall, it hurt my eyes so I closed them again. Did I die? I didn't think I fell that hard.. I thought about it for a moment, I doubt I was dead. If I was, why does my head hurt so much? I listened to the noises around me. People were talking.

"I saw her open her eyes!" I didn't recognize that voice.

"Is she okay? Is Cole here yet?" That was my mom, but who's Cole? I don't know anyone named Cole..

"She'll be fine, she just hit her head. And no but he'll be here soon. I just talked to him."

Who is that? The voice sounds deep and like he knows what he's doing. I'm still wondering who Cole is..

I tried opening my eyes again. It hurt my head too much. Maybe I'll just sleep it off..

"She's been sleeping for an hour! Should we wake her up?" my mom said.

"No, she needs to rest. Where's Cole?" said the mystery voice.

"He was here a minute ago, he went to get some coffee."

"Well she'll wake up soon, let's hope he's here when she does."

They kept talking but my head hurt too bad to listen. I could feel my pulse pounding. Who is Cole? Why would he be here? Where am I? Why was my mom there? Something brought me out of my daze and made me listen.

"Hey, is she still sleeping?"

He had the smoothest, sexiest voice I've ever heard. I could hear the concern in it, like my mother. I wanted him to talk more; his voice was like liquid honey. I started drifting off to sleep again.

I woke up about an hour later. I opened my eyes. My head didn't hurt as bad, and I could see clearly. I was making progress.

The first thing I noticed was my mother talking to a man. She looked at me and I saw her eyes light up.

"Nicole!" Weird, she never called me Nicole. No one did. I was just Nicky.

"Uh, hi, Mom. Who's that? Where am I? What happened?" I thought about asking who Cole was, but I like surprises. I looked closer. My mom looked

different. She looked much older, by that I mean wrinkly and her hair was shorter than I remembered.

"Oh Honey! You hit your head! You're in the hospital! This is Dr. Hendrect." And then I remembered falling on the way to Liam's house.

"Where's Liam?" I asked in my panicked voice.

"Liam? You haven't talked to Liam since we moved."

"We moved? I went to his house yesterday! I fell on the way there!"

"No, Honey. That was 3 years ago. You haven't talked to Liam in 2 years. Since we moved to Kelowna."

"We don't live in Kelowna! We don't even live in Canada! We live in Washington! Liam's my boyfriend!"

I was confused, but not as confused as I would be in a minute.

"Oh, Nicole! I'm so glad you're awake!" It was the honey sweet voice from before.

"Who are you..?" I asked the stranger standing there. As soon as I said it, he looked hurt.

"You don't remember? I'm Cole.. I'm your boyfriend.. We're been dating for 8 months.."

"You're my WHAT? No! I'm dating Liam!"


This is my second story. I personally, think the plot is much better than the first. Comment, vote, like. Thanks (:

I fell, hit my head, and now I have a hot boyfriend?!Where stories live. Discover now