Edward p.o.v:
I paced the parking lot of the school as I wait for Bella. Of all days shes late, it just had to be today. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with my love. I waited a few minutes more before I hear the familiar truck pull up and park in the parking lot as a wave of relief pans across my face. I watched as she climbed out of the truck and walked towards me before I noticed the trinket around her neck. As my eyes landed on it I felt both surprised and jealous as it did nothing but lay there. "Who gave you that necklace?" I say as she sees me eyeing it with a bit of curiosity. "Jacob," she says as she reaches up for it "He stopped by this morning to give it to me, and I thought I would be polite and wear it today."Bella p.o.v:
I watched as he took second or two to process my words before I sighed in relief that he had believed me. "So who picked out your outfit?" he asked as he looked me up and down. "I did,"I said happily with a laugh "And no Alice didn't help me." He chuckled before enveloping me in a hug and softly held me before the bell rang signaling the start of the school day.
~later on that day~
After school had let out Alice grabbed my arm and dragged me to my car as I took her with me back to my house as she was planning what outfit she wanted me to wear for the party that she had planned for me. After searching for the right outfit I got changed before we headed out to my truck and off to the Cullens home. After about 10-15 minutes we arrived, the sight of the home still amazing no matter how many times I see it. We get off and walk in as I head for the living room and sat down. I seemed to melt into the sofa as the overall appearance of the elegant yet comfortable room as candles and flowers filled the place. I smile as I saw the rest of the family make their by the stairs waiting for me. Carlisle was the first one to come up and hug me followed by Esme and everyone else who followed after. After ive received a hug from everyone Emmett handed me a gift and said, "Its a new stereo for your truck, I already installed it for you and everything." I smiled and gave him a hug "Thanks Em, I'm sure I'm going to love it" As I set the gift down Carlisle had handed me an envelope. I looked up to him as he just said "A little something to brighten your day. I blush as I start opening the envelope before I feel a sudden sting and look down to see I had cut my finger.
Jasper p.o.v:
As if the rest of the world went silent I heard the sound of the paper slice through Bellas pale and delicate skin and everyone in the room stiffened. The smell of fresh blood clung to the air and I tried not to breathe it in. Suddenly everyone's feelings had crashed over me one right after the other like waves crashing on a shore. I felt the bloodlust, not just my own but everyone's as well. I tried hard to fight it but my willpower was waining. If I didn't leave this second, I might hurt her. I looked at her, pain in my eyes as I struggled to keep my eyes trained on hers when all they wanted to do was stare at her neck, where the blood ran the fastest. I felt myself moving closer to her, even though I was trying to keep fighting my urge. "I-I-I'm sorry Bella," I said as I ran at her. Emmett and Carlisle, quick on their feet, managed to grab me before I could reach her....before I could taste her. Emmett pinned me to the floor with both my arms locked behind my back before leading me out of the house. I heard the rest of my siblings scatter, trying to find a place in the house where the smell of fresh blood didn't permeate every wall. I stood outside the house, just off the property, just close enough to hear everything. I heard Carlisle taking care of her and making sure she was ok. I looked down at my shoes, I never felt more helpless than I did at that moment.

Forbidden Darkness: A Jasper and Bella Fanfic
Fanfiction~ A heads up that this is not my story, it is my friend who has given me permission to post her story. Leave a comment for her with little ideas and some nice feedback if you would be so kind~ What if in New Moon Bella started seeing Jasper in secr...