Why Him?

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Kim woke up and scratched her head. Today was the start of the tour for her father's band, Slayer. Kim and her brother, TJ, got to come along because it was during summer. They hadn't seen the guys in Slayer in over a year and honestly Kim missed them, but she missed one a little more than the others. She'd never admit it to anyone but Dave was always her favourite. Even when she was a kid and Dave left to be there for the birth of his son, DJ, and Paul Bostaph joined the band she always felt that Dave should have been on the drums and no one else. Kim dragged a brush through her hair and got dressed. She and Uncle Jeff's son, Oliver, always dressed alike. She put her suitcase in the car and got in the back as her father, Tom Araya, and TJ put their suitcases in the car as well. TJ being the older one sat in the front passenger seat as Tom drove to the airport. Kim put her ear buds in and began texting Oliver.
K: Hey Oli, where are you guys?
O: Hey Kimmy, we just pulled up to uncle Dave's house. DJ and Lola are in the car, but it uncle Dave is dragging his feet as usual.
K: Sit by me on the plane.
O: Okay, don't want to sit by uncle Kerry?
K: God no. We just got to the airport. Text when you guys get here.
O: Okay.
Kim put her phone back in her pocket and put her ear buds in the other pocket. If Dave and Jeff were riding together did that mean Kerry was already at the airport? Tom caught on to what his daughter was thinking and stopped her. "Hija, listen to me. If Kerry is here I don't want you and him to have a fight. Be cordial and act as though your madre is still with us. Got it?" Tom was stern, but gentle at the same time. Kim and Kerry had a long ugly history that went back to when Sandra, Tom's wife and the kid's mom, died of breast cancer. Then, Kerry just let his inner jerk out. "I understand papá. I will behave as if mamá were here." Kim sat next to her brother and checked her phone.
O: Hey bitch, we are here.
K: Awesome. I can see you!
Dave and Jeff went to talk to Tom and Kerry walked over to them. The kids gathered in a circle. "Everyone state your first and last names. Its been a year since we last saw each other. I'm Oliver Hanneman." The blonde haired blue eyed Pantera T-shirt wearing kid said. "I'm TJ Araya." Tom's exact copy said. TJ had always been teased by Kerry about how much he looked like his father and most of the time it was in good fun, so TJ didn't mind. "I'm Kim Araya. I am also TJ's younger sister." Kim had blonde hair like her mom, but her father's brown eyes. Both Araya kids were darker like their dad as well. "I'm Shyanne King." Shyanne lived up to her name. Ever since her parents got divorced, she got shier than ever. She was wearing a black tank top and blue basketball shorts. Her purple converse tied the who outfit together. Shyanne's black hair was tied back in a ponytail, which brought out her green eyes.  "Hi, I'm DJ Lombardo." Dave's kids could pass off as twins they looked a lot like each other which also meant they looked a lot like their dad. DJ was taller than his sister though. His dark brown hair was spiked up and not hanging in front of his brown eyes. "I'm Lola Lombardo." She shyly waved at the other kids. She much like her brother has their dad's dark brown hair, but Lola has their mom's blue eyes. That was the only way you could tell them apart. To confuse people even more, when the kids were smaller, Dave used to get them the same haircuts too. "Come on kids. We have to board the plane." Jeff, Oliver's dad, called. They got on the plane and picked their seats. Oliver and Kim picked the two back seats. Dave and Jeff sat in front of them. DJ and Shyanne sat by each other in the seats across the aisle from Kim. They were dating and all the kids knew, the parents didn't though. Kerry and TJ sat in front of them. Lola and Tom sat up in the front. They usually sat together to talk about the songs in the show or books or some shit like that. Halfway through they had a layover in Baku, Azberijian. Lola was thrashing in her seat and Dave got up from his seat next to Jeff. Kim and Oliver where sleeping as were ninety percent of the other passenger's. Jeff watched his best friend struggle to calm his daughter. Jeff got up to help Dave out. "Lola, its uncle Jeff. Wake up sweetie." Jeff whispered quietly to her. That did the trick. Lola opened her eyes and started to cry. "Don't cry honey. Daddy's here and so is uncle Jeff. We aren't going to let anything happen." Dave was used to soothing his child by himself. His ex-wife, Daniella, left them when Lola was about six months old and DJ was a year old. Ever since then the poor kid has been plagued with nightmares and night terrors. "You promise?" Her voice shook when she finally spoke. "I promise." She pulled Dave and Jeff into a hard hug. "The plane is starting to fly again. We have to sit in our seats." Dave groaned. She let go and they went back to the seats. Jeff gave Dave a look that he knew well. They needed to talk when the plane landed. Did Jeff know the truth? Another questions hit Dave in the head, so to speak. How pissed would Jeff be when he found out the truth?

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