Jeff and Lola's Advice Part 1

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A/N Hi guys! Moony here this chapter is going to be a two parter because there's a lot of stuff that happens. Thank you for the support of the story and don't forget to have fun and have a happy easter. The chapter starts now.
Dave waited patiently for Jeff and Oliver to finish their interview. When they finished, he walked over to them. "Hey Jeff, Oli. I have a big fucking problem." Dave sighed. "What?" Jeff  was done with all this Kim loves Dave shit. "Kim is really in love with me and I told her the truth that I'd end up breaking her heart and she bolted from my room crying. I feel like I really fucked up." "Wait a second. How did you find out Kim is in love with you?" Oliver was confused. He thought only he and Kim knew. "I overheard Kim and Lola talking about it on the bus yesterday. I asked your dad what to do and he said I should get a feel feel for how much she loves me and that's why she was crying." Dave explained. "Wait, Oliver you knew the whole fucking time?" Jeff was lost. "Yeah, Kim made me swear not  to tell anyone. I would've said something to you uncle Dave. I'm so fucking sorry." Oliver started to cry. "Don't cry buddy. You were keeping a promise to a friend and that's fine. I just feel bad that I made her and you cry. I just wish I knew what the fuck to do?" "I would tell her the truth. I know you did, but maybe do it in a more stuttle way. Davey, I can tell you've got feelings for Kim and whether its just as a niece or a potential love interest is up to you. I would also buy her some candy." "Chocolate." Oliver chimed in. "Yes chocolate is good. Don't overly apologize because that will make you seem desperate for her forgiveness and you aren't. Also think about how you really feel. Do a little soul searching while you're at this. Figure out how you really and I mean really feel about her. You can say what you want, but I've known you for the better part of twenty years bro. I can tell when you are thinking hard about something and that's what I've been noticing. You are an important part of the band and our lives. I want you happy and healthy. What are you going to do?" "I'm going think for a little bit. I'll see what comes from that and buy Kimberly some chocolate and apologize for hurting her and her feelings. Jeff, she's so perfect. The way she is with Lola it just is awesome." Dave pulled out his phone and showed Oliver and Jeff a video he has. Its of Kim helping Lola read a book. Lola got screwed over twice. Not only did she get dyslexia she has a mild stutter. The video ended and Dave put his phone back in his pocket. "Dave, that's amazing. She is great with Lola and I've noticed since she and Kim have been hanging out her stutter is is getting better. How is she with DJ?" Jeff knew the answer, but he was interested in what Dave thought. "She's great to DJ. They get along great. Kim is great with my kids and she even sewed Porkuleus up for Lola. Honestly, she's perfect for me and that's what fucking scares me. Daniella was perfect and she left. I don't want Kim to get two years in and decide that she didn't really love me. I don't want the kids to be close to someone and then have them leave. I don't want them to get hurt." "You don't want the kids hurt or you don't want you to get hurt? Dave, I know the shit with Daniella was hard, but Kim has something Daniella doesn't have." "What's that?" "The honesty to tell you how and what she really feels. Let's be honest with each other, Daniella didn't love you. She married you because she got pregnant. When she lost the baby, she had already filed divorce papers. Then, she got pregnant for DJ and she decided that maybe it wouldn't be bad. Then, she divorced you anyways." "Jeff, I don't want to get hurt and I don't the kids to hurt. I do really love her, but if this doesn't work out how will she react around me?" "You won't know until you give it a shot. Davey, I know how important the kids' happiness is to you and I know you don't want them to get hurt, but you have to try before you know what will happen." "Thanks Jeff. I have to go." Dave got up and went to go get chocolates to make everything better.

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