Chapter 1

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Well, this day turned to shit.

I started sprinting head-on in the streets, several footsteps following not far behind. The bag I slung across my shoulder slowed me down as I tried not to slip from gravel cluttered in the streets. My skin was slick with sweat and rushed into my eyes, stinging. I hiss and spot a low fence, sprinting towards it with all my speed and toss the pouch over.

"Fuck!" I whispered under my breath as I felt the chain-links digging into my palm while I clambered up it. A snarl sounded from behind me and I felt my gut drop. I scramble, finally making it across the fence and I tentatively look back to see what beast lay behind me.

A zombie. So close to catching me I couldn't feel myself exhale. It clawed and rattled the fence, snarling at me with it's rotting, yellow teeth. It had a dull colored skin, and smelled atrocious. It's hair had fallen out and its eyes were dark pools of emptiness. It was missing chunks of flesh and some of the intestines of the used-to-be person hung out. I scrambled onto my feet, the hairs standing all over my arms, a cold sweat all over me. I sweep up my hard-earned loot, and get away from the fence as fast as possible.

I tossed the backpack I retrieved from the abandoned school onto a wooden desk, glaring sharply at the boy who stood before me. We were in a room, the walls painted a dull baby blue. The room was quite small, with a few drawings I happened to decorate it with in the little free time I had.

He unzipped the backpack and looked through the contents, three cans of yellow corn, a rusted, dull knife and a few bags of stale chips. "Is this seriously all you could find?" The boy said and I crossed my arms, frowning at him.
"It was extremely hard to get in the school, Arthur." He looks at me directly with his dark brown eyes and sighs, running a hand through his rusted-colored hair. "You're right." I un-furrow my eyebrows and walk towards the door leading out of the room.

I gently closed it, and walked down the hall, keeping at a fast pace and listened to the sound of others speaking. My boots made a soft tap tap as I continued making my way towards the outside. I took in my surroundings while I walked through the inhabited building. Weeds grew in between the cracks in the cement I stepped upon. The wall had red paint peeling everywhere, showing the original brick color. The smell of smoke and a tinge of rotting flesh filled the air. 'Probably from the day lilies.' I thought and made my way to a door, leading into what I assumed, the outside.
The light blinded me for a few seconds, and I shielded my brown eyes from the light with a hand.
In front of me, a perimeter surrounded by chain-link fencing appeared, the cement being cracked and dry. Large amounts of weeds growing in between the area. A small encampment was held in the middle of the deserted place.
"Hey, Pika!" I heard a male voice yell. I turn my head and see my older friend, Ratchet, walking up to me. I smile a bit, and hug Ratchet, petting his head.

"How was the scout?" He asked as he let go and I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Not too good, I didn't get anything useful." I can't help but feel useless, all that effort for a few cans of corn and a rusty blade?

Ratchet bends down to my level and speaks to me in a soft voice. "Look, you were willing to go on that mission, okay? You're only fourteen, that's literally the most terrifying thing I've heard a fourteen-year-old do." He pats my head and smiles, standing up.
"Plus, you could feed Paloma something other than chocolate."

I let out a small chuckle, and wave him goodbye as he heads to the camp. 'Better get ready, it's time to station up.'

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